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<!-- The ABBREV is usually a 3-6 letter string typically used as a short reference to the University. -->
<!-- The ABBREV is usually a 3-6 letter string typically used as a short reference to the University. -->

Nancy-Université is lead by one of the president of the member institutions.
François Laurent is the president of the EPCS Nancy-Université since the 6 May 2008 for a mandate of 1 year renewable. He succeed François Le Poultier.  
François Laurent is the president of the EPCS Nancy-Université since the 6 May 2008 for a mandate of 1 year renewable. He succeed François Le Poultier.  

<!-- Say something brief about the teaching methods, number of students, staff etc. -->
<!-- Say something brief about its mission etc. -->
This EPCS, public establishment, aims at regrouping the means in the service of a common policy allowing a better effectiveness and a better visibility of missions of training, research, promotion and of broadcasting of University’s know how.
It leans on a Directorate, a Council of research, a Council of pedagogy and on a Commission of human resources.

A total of 40,000 students annually follow the courses in the 3 HEIs.
A total of 40,000 students annually follow the courses in the 3 HEIs.
The federation awards a total of nearly 400 diplomas that cover almost all domain of knowledge and issued around 17 000 degrees and diplomas in the year 2007.  
The federation awards a total of nearly 400 diplomas that cover almost all domain of knowledge and issued around 17 000 degrees and diplomas in the year 2007.  
The permanent staff of the 3 establishments is made up of about 5000 people, about 2200 teachers-researchers and lecturers and about 2500 in administration.  
The permanent staff of the 3 establishments is made up of about 5000 people, about 2200 teachers-researchers and lecturers and about 2500 in administration.  

<!-- Say something brief about the teaching methods, number of students, staff etc. -->

<!-- Say something brief about its mission etc. -->
“Nancy-Université Continuing education”
NU make a commitment to Life Long Learning and offer a unique structure giving to firms, to public agencies and private and to persons a true know-how in engineering of Training. NU has experience in the following fieds: evaluation of competences, validation of knowledges and experience, individual certificate of training, trainings leading to qualification and diploma, advice and accompaniment. It offer its services to traditional learners, distance learner, into company or out of the company. Every year, either 3500 persons participate into NU life long learning activities or 530 000 hours of training.

“Numeric University”
NU is a member of UNIRE network (Numeric University in Region). NU set up for all its members, staff, students, a numeric platform where they can find resources, services. This platform can be reach from all pc connected to Internet, 24h/24 everywhere. 100% of the campus is covered by WIFI.

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A lot of partnerships (regional, national and international) for this federation of universities involved in many virtual-campus, subject-oriented virtual universities. Nancy-Université is an active member of UNIRE (Université Numérique interRégionale de l’Est). To summarize it has partnerships with 155 universities in 24 European countries.
A lot of partnerships (regional, national and international) for this federation of universities involved in many virtual-campus, subject-oriented virtual universities. Nancy-Université is an active member of UNIRE (Université Numérique interRégionale de l’Est). To summarize it has partnerships with 155 universities in 24 European countries.

The university participates among others in the SOCRATES ERASMUS programme.
The university participates among others in the Erasmus-Mundus programme.
The Erasmus-Mundus Masters are multinational educational programmes of high quality organised by consortiums of european HEIs.
Nancy-Université deal with 3 masters:
* FUSION-EP : European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics in partnership with 6 european universities.
* AMASE : Advanced Materials Science and Engeneering Master in partnership with 3 european universties.
* TAL : Traitement Automatique des Langues in partnership with 9 european universities.
Nancy-Université or one of its member institution os member or partner of:

* [http://www.auf.org/ AUF]
* [http://www.campusfrance.org/ Campus France]
* Charte Erasmus
* [[Charte Sar-Lor-Lux]]
* Collège doctoral franco-chinois
* Convention CEF
* [http://www.crepuq.qc.ca/ CREPUQ]
* Erasmus-Mundus
* EUA (European University Association)
* [http://www.master211.com/ Master 211]
* Réseau doctoral franco-américain
* Université Franco-Allemande

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Just cover each topic (bulleted list item) by a sentence or short paragraph. Note that several items are unlikely to be susceptible to desk research. -->
Just cover each topic (bulleted list item) by a sentence or short paragraph. Note that several items are unlikely to be susceptible to desk research. -->

== Institution ==
== Institution ==
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* '''''(1) Provide a general description of the institution in its current state, putting the e-learning into context''.'''
* '''''(1) Provide a general description of the institution in its current state, putting the e-learning into context''.'''

Nancy-Université is a federation of 3 university of Nancy.
Each university has kepp is own identity, it is not a merging.
Some services were regrouped. One of the first actions within Nancy-Université was to regroup all the activities linked to ITC in education. Nancy 2 e-education activities are now considered in the context of the EPCS Nancy University via its service called [[NUTICE]]

LES 3 universités gardent leur identité propre. Il ne s'agit pas d'une fusion !

Nancy 2 is a traditionnal university offering also open and distance learning and participating in many virtual-campus initiatives. The use of ITC is a priority for the university.  
Nancy-Universtié is composed of traditional universities offering also open and distance learning and participating in many virtual-campus initiatives. The use of ITC is a priority for the university.

Nancy 2 offre à tous ses personnels et ses usagers un Espace Numérique de Travail- ENT (elle a été l’une des 3 premières universités en France à le faire) qui rassemble, en fonction du profil de l’usager, tous les services nécessaires.
The activities of NU can be summarized and organized at several level:
* local: with the utilization of e-learning module by teacher in a blended format with traditional learning.
* regional (virtual campus at regional scale)
* National: (national virtual campus and thematical numeric university)
* International: (virtual campus for multi graduating training where student realize virtual mobility in several countries).

A part of the administration is done online at the university. Nancy 2 was the first french university to propose a online registration. About 15 400 students registered online in 2005-2006.
NU’s e-learning offer is multi disciplinary.  

Toute l’offre de formation de Nancy 2 est accessible en ligne.
NU offer to all staff and users un numerical work space (it was one of the 3 first French university to do it). This space gather, in function of the user profile all the necessary services he needs.

A part of the administration is done online at the university. Nancy 2 was the first french university to propose a online registration. About 15 400 students registered online in 2005-2006.

Nancy 2 e-education activities are now considered in the context of the EPCS Nancy University via its service called NUTICE. Ce service qui rassmble des compétences multiples et variées est le guichet unique d’accès aux TICE et propose information, formation, conseil et assistance à tous les utilisateurs des TICE dans l’Université. Il assure médiatisation et assistance à la conception et à la scénarisation de cours, soutien à la production de ressources pédagogiques ou à la mise en ligne de formations en ligne. Il promeut l’usage des TICE dans tous les secteurs de l’Université et soutient les collaborations internationales. A titre d’exemple,
'''Projet Européen.'''
NUTICE est porteur du projet européen EUROQLIo de tri-diplômation.
diplômation multigrade. porteé par qq de NUTICE. Multigradation entre pays different, dans le domaine de la qualité. Important car montage d'un diplome commun. Sert de base pour d'autre projets.
Autre formation avec d'autre partenaire (par exemple : roumanie, tunisie et France nouveau projet autour de l'informatique).
Completement different des activités faites précédemment.
NUTICE dans projet internatiolal qui est l'université virtuelle de la Méditerannée (UVM ?).
Dans le commité de pilotage.
De plus, en lien avec les CRI des établissements, il met à disposition une plateforme pédagogique par établissement (http://ARCHE.univ-nancy2.fr) accessible via l’ENT. L’outil (Moodle) et l’interface sont communs aux 3 universités, la déclinaison est réalisée en fonction de l’usage spécifique à chaque établissement. Une autre plateforme appelée ARPE héberge les projets communs aux établissements. D’autres services comme par exemple le webconferencing ou le podcast (à partir de janvier 2009) sont offerts. Nutice soutient le C2I qui depuis cette année est une certification commune Nancy Université.
Une des première actions au sein de Nancy-Université a été de mutualiser toutes les activités relatives aux TICE.
1 Janvier 2008 : creation de NUTICE (Nancy-Université TICE)
l'activité de NUTICE avait été anticipée mais de manière informelle.
* National
The “Campus numériques” (Virtual campus) initiative has evolved to support the creation of Thematic Digital Universities, grouping together existing Virtual Campuses and integrating other HEIs into larger consortia around general diccisplinary themes. See: [http://www2.educnet.education.fr/sections/en/higher-educatio/tdus]
Université Nancy 2 particpates in the following TDU’s:
** AUNEGE (Business and economics) [http://www.aunege.org]
** UOH (humanities) [http://www.uoh.fr]
* International
Participation of Université Nancy 2 in eLene via Videoscop its audiovisual and multimedia centre Videoscop has coordinated two of the eLene group’s three Virtual Campus eLearning programme projects:
** eLene-TT: Teacher training. [www.elene-tt.net] (2005-2006)
*** Identification, collection and referencing of tools and resources for supporting higher education teachers in the innovative pedagogical use of ICT.
*** Creation of a virtual resource centre
*** A transnational programme of teacher training actions
** eLene-TLC: Teaching and Learning service centre www.elene-tlc.net (2007-2008)
*** Preparing universities for the next generation of students
*** Developing a common framework of educational ICT competencies for teachers, students and educational technologists in higher education
*** Professional development activities for teachers, a self-assessment instrument and learning actions on digital literacy for students, a virtual guide for instructional designers.
*** Extending the virtual resource centre to become a teaching and learning service centre www.tlcentre.net
*** Invovling decision makers through setting up a board of directors and developing policy recommendations.
Videoscop was also a partner in eLene-EE (2006-2008), dealing with the economics of eleanring, and contributed in particular to the work on indicators of eLearning. www.elene-ee.net
E-learning projets:
Projet Systeme dInforMation, Espace Numerique de Travail
* Projet Formation Ouverte et À Distance (FOAD) et Production de cours médiatisés
NU fait parti de UNIRE (université numérique inter-régionale de l'Est).
la seule U numeiruque international qui prend 4 région (tout le grand est, sauf l'alsace).
solition autiplagiat (avec metz besancon).

* '''''(2) What is the institution's annual budget?'''''
* '''''(2) What is the institution's annual budget?'''''
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Considered as full time equivalent.
Considered as full time equivalent.

(a) 5 000 personnels pour Nancy-Université :
* 2 200 enseignants-chercheurs
* 2 500 personnels
Personne physique. Considérés comme des temps plein.

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* 6000 foreign students in Nancy-Université
* 6000 foreign students in Nancy-Université
* 1000 students of NU studying abroad.
* 1000 students of NU studying abroad.
''Chiffres 2007 : Anne boyer va l'envoyer.''

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* '''''(8) Describe how the institution manages its "brand" (a) in general and (b) in respect of any e-learning aspects.'''''
* '''''(8) Describe how the institution manages its "brand" (a) in general and (b) in respect of any e-learning aspects.'''''

The institutions of Nancy University are more that 100 yearqs old. They are well known because of their history.
The institutions of Nancy University are more that 100 years old. They are well known because of their history.

Concerning e-learning, NU is doing :
Concerning e-learning, NU is doing :
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** TICE research and inovation.
** TICE research and inovation.

Institutions centenaires, connue historiquement.
* Site web pour NU et pour chaque Univ.
* Portail TICE.
* Salons et conférences en France.
* Salon et conférences internationaux:
* EDEN / oui
* OEB / oui.
* Publication
* participation à des consortiums.
* Réunion d'information organisées par la comission Européenne.
* Association francaise autour des TICE.
* Forum thématique sur l'interculturalité.
* Réunion de formation des coordinateurs de project européen (Coo Eur).
* TEMPUS et Erasmus Mundus (réunions de callage).
* Reseaux de NUTICE:
** ex '''TICE monde''' : reseaux crée au sein de NUTICE et université partout dans le monde. TICE MONDE lancé par NUTICE. carnet d'adresse partagée pour avoir des projets ensemble (monter des consortiums).
** Reseau TICERI aussi lancé par NUTICE : TICE Recherche et Innovation : férérer les énergies de chercheurs autour des TICE dans des disciplines variés (informatiques, economistes, communication, juristes, spécialistes du comportement avec qui peut être concernée par les activité TICE), obj: monter des projets et faire commaitre des porduits intéressant pour les TICE. Utiliser NUTICE comme terrain d'expérimentation. TICERI a des ramification en dehors de la france.
Fédérer les énergies pour répondre aux gros appels d'offre (7eme prog cadre, prog national de recherche en fr).
''Samuel est mon relais pour tout mes échanges.''
Présent partout où ils doivent être présent !

=== The past ===
=== The past ===
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* In september 2007, Nancy 2 has decided to reorganise e-education activities in nancy 2, it leads to the end of the CEFOD Unit, the transformation of the CTU (Centre de Télé-enseignement Universitaire) into the ERUDI structure (http://) and the creation in the EPCS Nancy Université  of a common service dedicated to e-education, called NUTICE (http://TICE.nancy-universite.fr). Since january 2008, all the activities related to e-education are missions of this service for the three Universities in Nancy.
* In september 2007, Nancy 2 has decided to reorganise e-education activities in nancy 2, it leads to the end of the [[CEFOD]] Unit, the transformation of the CTU (Centre de Télé-enseignement Universitaire) into the ERUDI structure (http://) and the creation in the EPCS Nancy Université  of a common service dedicated to e-education, called NUTICE (http://TICE.nancy-universite.fr). Since january 2008, all the activities related to e-education are missions of this service for the three Universities in Nancy.

== External environment ==
== External environment ==

* '''''(14) What is the institution's funding from government as a percentage of annual income?'''''
* '''''(10) What is the institution's funding from government as a percentage of annual income?'''''
100 % sur le contrat 4 ans.

Budget de l'université est payé par le gouv.
almost 100 %. Taken from the quadriennal contract done with the ministry of education.
Emarge sur le retrait quadriennal.
Taxes sont marginal.
Dotation general (+ droit d'inscription) mais NUTICE n'émarge pas la dessus.

* '''''(11) Describe the way that funding is provided for institutions in the institution's country, or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country.'''''

* '''''(15) Describe the way that funding is provided for institutions in the institution's country, or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country.'''''

encouragement de la région sur projet spécifique.
There are some regional fundings for specifical project. But on the wohole it is the same as for other French institutions.
Pour le reste c'est pareil partout en Fr.

* '''''(16) Describe the legal status of the institution.'''''
* '''''(12) Describe the legal status of the institution.'''''

Nancy-Université n'a pas un statut d'université au sens ou il n'y a pas d'étudiants incrits.
Nancy-Université has not a status of university because no student are registered in Nancy Université. Students register to one of the 3 component of NU.

Nancy-Université is an EPCS.
Nancy-Université is an EPCS.
Le statut d’établissement public de coopération scientifique (EPCS) a été créé par la loi de programme du 18 avril 2006. C’est un des statuts que peut adopter un pôle de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur (PRES).
The status of public instite of scientific cooperation (EPCT) was created by the law of avril 18th 2006. It is one a the possible status for a group of HEI.
Nancy-Université is also a PRES (Pôle de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur )
En France, depuis la Loi de programme pour la recherche de 2006, les établissements d'enseignement-recherche et les universités peuvent créer des pôles de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur (PRES). Ces pôles rassemblent des établissements ou organismes d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche publics ou privés européens, et peuvent avoir pour partenaires associés des entreprises, des collectivités territoriales ou des associations. Le but est de regrouper une partie de leur activité, de mettre en commun des ressources et d'augmenter la notoriété des membres du PRES. Pour avoir une personnalité morale, un PRES peut être un groupement d'intérêt public, un établissement public de coopération scientifique ou une fondation de coopération scientifique.

Nancy-Université is also a PRES (Pole of research and HE)

Nancy 2 : université.

* '''''(13) List the language(s) that the institution uses for instruction with the percentage of students studying in each. (Bilingual study can also be included.)'''''
* '''''(17) List the language(s) that the institution uses for instruction with the percentage of students studying in each. (Bilingual study can also be included.)'''''

French language mainly.
French language mainly.
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* '''''(18) Describe any specific cultural issues that affect the institution's students or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country. Mention any features relevant to e-learning.'''''
* '''''(14) Describe any specific cultural issues that affect the institution's students or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country. Mention any features relevant to e-learning.'''''

* intercultural module
* intercultural module
Line 339: Line 263:

* '''''(19) Describe the external quality assurance and/or accreditation regime affecting the institution, or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country. Mention any features relevant to e-learning.'''''
* '''''(15) Describe the external quality assurance and/or accreditation regime affecting the institution, or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country. Mention any features relevant to e-learning.'''''
The 3 HEI in NU are engaged in a common quality approach.
The framework is written in the quadriennal contract, it is also adapted to the european advices. The aims are the continuous improvement of quality, in term of excellence, users satisfaction, efficiency of processes or certification via the set up of monitoring tools for assessment.
NU have internal experience in the field of quality approach :
* some laboratories are certified.
* the continuing education service is certified (certification iso 9001)
* evaluation process for the evaluation of courses and professional ou encore processus d’évaluation des enseignements et de l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants.
* creation of a group in charge of quality assistance
* 1 quality officer

The same as for other institution in the country.
The same as for other institution in the country.
Line 345: Line 282:
* Creation of a group for quality insurance.
* Creation of a group for quality insurance.
* continuing education is accredited iso 9001.
* continuing education is accredited iso 9001.

* '''''(20) Describe the approach to credit transfer with other similar institutions.'''''
* '''''(16) Describe the approach to credit transfer with other similar institutions.'''''

Credit transfert is mandatory since the LMD system is set up.
Credit transfert is mandatory since the LMD system is set up.
Line 355: Line 291:

* '''''(21) List the main associations that the institution is a member of, with a note as to the relevance of each to e-learning (if any).'''''
* '''''(17) List the main associations that the institution is a member of, with a note as to the relevance of each to e-learning (if any).'''''

Nancy-Université est présent dans les 6 UNT. C'est un établissement porteur qui signe l'accord et non Nancy-Université.
Nancy-Université is participating into 6 UNT.  
UNT (Université numériques thématiques)
UNT (Université numériques thématiques)
Nancy-Université est dans toute sauf l'UNJF (donc dans 6).
Nancy-Université is participating in all the UNT except the UNJF.

ANSTIA : association des reseaux TICE et audiovisuels en france. NU en fait parti.
ANSTIA : association of TICE and audiovusual studio network in France.

FIED : Federation Inter-université de l'Enseignement à Distance. Catalogue des formations en ligne. Colloque annuel. Guichet commun des formation universitaire en ligne. A des ramifications en dehors de France.
FIED : Federation Inter-university of distance education. Catalogue of online trainings. Annual quolloquium. Guichet commun des formation universitaire en ligne. A des ramifications en dehors de France.

NUFC: nancy université formation continue est dans le réeau :
NUFC: nancy université continuing education is in the following networks :

EUCEN : réseau quasi mondial qui federe et monte des projets dans la form co & LLL avec les TICE.
EUCEN : world wide network for continuing education & LLL with the use if ITC in education.

EDEN : videoscop est membre.
EDEN : videoscop is a member.

Promotion des actions à l'international
Promotion at international level
TICE monde : Lancé par NUTICE.
TICE world : Launch by NUTICE = address book.
carnet d'adresse partagé pour un réseau.
National level
TICERI research and inovation (to federate the energy of researchers aroud ITC and education)
Obj : to built project using ITC and to use NUTICE as a experimental field.

TICERI recherche et innovation (fédérer les énergies des chercheurs autour des TICE)
Obj : monter projets autour des TICE et utiliser NUTICE comme terrain d'expérimentation
gros appels d'offres (cadres)
(+ ramifications à l'ext de la France).

'''Virtual-campus initiatives'''
'''Virtual-campus initiatives'''
Line 406: Line 340:

appuyé sur le sous prog erasmus - project multilatéruaux - campus virtuel.
sub prog erasmus - multilateral project - virtual campus.
campus virtuel
campus virtuel
tri diplomation
tri diplomation
fr/ bulg / roumanie.
fr/ bulg / roumanie.
50% de form à distance.
50% of distance education.
filière tematique licence et master
licence and master
dans le cadre du LLL.
in LLL framework.

Université Virtuelle de la méditerrannée.
Université Virtuelle de la méditerrannée.
Line 419: Line 353:
president UNT marocain.
president UNT marocain.
président UNT francais.  
président UNT francais.  
''AB : envoyer le texte fondateur''
'''rajouter ceux du debut aussi !!!!'''

* '''''(22) List the main international partners of the institution, in the order of strategic importance, with priority given to collaborations involving e-learning.'''''

* '''''(18) List the main international partners of the institution, in the order of strategic importance, with priority given to collaborations involving e-learning.'''''

400 universités partenaires.

Par importance au e-learning
400 partner universities.

By order of importance for e-learning:

Master avec étudiant Univ syrienne pour promouvoir les TICE en Syrie.les + imp.
Master with syrian university to promote the use of ITC in education in Syria is ths most important.
* Roumanie
* Roumania
* Bulgarie
* Bulgaria
* Benin
* Benin
* Tunise
* Tunisia
* Finlande
* Finland
* Espagne
* Spain
* Itale
* Italy
* Engleterre
* England
* Pologne
* Poland
* Allemagne
* Germany
* Suede
* Sweden
* Luxenbourg  
* Luxenbourg  
* Belgique
* Belgium
* Syrie
* Syria
* Maroc
* Morocco

International agreements:
International agreements:
Line 469: Line 399:
* even in an institute, as it is interdiciplinary, the objectives and strategy vary.
* even in an institute, as it is interdiciplinary, the objectives and strategy vary.
* there as different type of education : from mass education to elite education.
* there as different type of education : from mass education to elite education.
stratégie par formation, mission de service public.

* '''''(21) Describe or provide a document describing the current e-learning strategy'''''.
* '''''(21) Describe or provide a document describing the current e-learning strategy'''''.

No document, but some important points from discussions to highlight:
Sme important points from discussions to highlight:

* a unique service : NUTICE --> more simple, clear and effective.
* a unique service : NUTICE --> more simple, clear and effective.
Line 487: Line 415:

general : à tous l' acces aux ressources et dispositifs assistées par les TICEs.
NUTICE foster the use and develoment of ITC in the 3 universities. The team have expertise in pedagogy and technology. NUTICE help, accompany, and train teacher who woudl like to use ITC in their courses.
* assistance de proximité
* formation à tous.
L'objectif étant également d'être le relais des différentes initiatives enseignantes et étudiantes utilisant les TIC en offrant un service de proximité avec l'ambition d'être un guichet unique d'accès aux TICE.  
* infomation à tous.
* ingénierie pédagogique avec assistance à la scénarisation, la médiatisation
* mutualisation et capitalisation des ressources pour une plus large diffusion

NUTICE give training, advices, assistance in the use of ITC, in the creation of media resources in the following fields :
toute l'info est ici.''

* pedagogical ingineering,
* Accompagny users in the new uses
* Assistance for converting content into a media format.
* technological and pedagogical watch
* dissemination of practices,
* Assistance to users
* Promotion of TICE,
* Participation into international and international work groups,
and all action related to TICE...

Do not include or refer to annual plans except as necessary to provide budgetary information.

* '''''(22) What is the percentage of students (a) taking courses wholly or largely delivered by e-learning (b) taking courses where the amount of institutionally supplied/guided e-learning is "significant" (i.e. has an impact on staff or students) and (c) taking courses where the where the amount of institutionally supplied/guided e-learning is insignificant? In each case comment on the answer.'''''
* '''''(22) What is the percentage of students (a) taking courses wholly or largely delivered by e-learning (b) taking courses where the amount of institutionally supplied/guided e-learning is "significant" (i.e. has an impact on staff or students) and (c) taking courses where the where the amount of institutionally supplied/guided e-learning is insignificant? In each case comment on the answer.'''''

a chercher.
C2I : certificat Int. pour tous. Tout est en ligne. (levier)
qq diplome totalement en ligne
(ex : hebreux à distance uniquement.).
assistance à la pedago en presentiel (suivant la decision de l'enseignant)
sur une plateforme. Au choix de l'enseignant. Activité en ligne obligatoire ou non obligatoire.
presentiel assisté

Principe d'autominie et de plus grande souplesse pour que chaque enseignant puisse rester maitre de son cours.
Teacher are free to integrate e-learning or not in their training. That is NU policy to insure a optimum automony and flexibility to teachers. So it is difficult to give an answer to this question. 

Some courses are done online by decision:

1040 cours en ligne actifs à Nancy 2
*All students intent to the C2I course online (certificate informatic and internet). NUTICE use it as a leverage to increase students demand for e-learning.
1060 cours en ligne actifs à l'UHP
* 100% online (ex : Hebrews).
150 à l'INPL (école d'ingenieur).(moins grand nombre de formation, donc - de nombre de cours en ligne).
TP en ligne (simulateurs quand c'est dangereux ou difficile d'accéder).
touche tout. Pas un diplome qui n'ai pas au moins des support en ligne.

A chercher pour  les pourcentage.
* 1040 courses online in Nancy 2
* 1060 cours online in UHP
* 150 in l'INPL (engineer).(moins grand nombre de formation, donc - de nombre de cours en ligne).
* Practical work is done online when reality can be dangerous or acces is restricted.

* qq diplome totalement en ligne et à distance (ex : licence hebreux, langues modimes).
All diplomas have some online supports.
* présentiel assisté

Il n'existe pas de dilpome ou de  formation qui n'ait pas au moins des supports en ligne.

Pour tout étudiant qui arrivé : C2I. Entièrement en ligne. Présentation, exercice et activité en ligne. Etudiant baigné là-dedans. Levier !!!

* '''''(23) Give the percentage of the institutional budget that e-learning represents. Comment on how it is measured including the assumptions made, whether it is appropriate and any trends.'''''
* '''''(23) Give the percentage of the institutional budget that e-learning represents. Comment on how it is measured including the assumptions made, whether it is appropriate and any trends.'''''

Ne voudra rien dire. Pas significatifs car certaines activités sont partie et d'autre pas. Plus intéressant dans quelques mois, plus de visibilité.
Meaningless. Not representative because some activities will continue and other not.
10 mois d'existance en mutualisé. Donc pas significatif pour le moment.
contrat pour 4 ans sera sorti dans qq mois.

Tres fort soutient politique des etablissements. Les présidents d'univesité soutiennent les TICEs.
Strong political support from the presidents of the 3 institutions. The presidents support the TICEs.

Line 549: Line 463:

(c)essential. e-learing (as a main part of educational system in France) is almost 90 - 100% funded by state.
(c)essential. e-learing (as a main part of educational system in France) is almost 90 - 100% funded by state.

== Structure ==
== Structure ==
Line 556: Line 469:

The Federation Nancy-Université is lead by the Presidents of the 3 member universities :
The Federation Nancy-Université is lead by the board of directors (the presidents of the 3 member universities) :
* Jean-Pierre Finance, President of Université Henri Poincaré - Nanci 1.
* Jean-Pierre Finance, President of Université Henri Poincaré - Nanci 1.
* François Le Poultier, President of Université Nancy 2.
* François Le Poultier, President of Université Nancy 2.
Line 564: Line 477:
François Laurent was elected at the presidency of the EPCS in May 2008 for a 1 year renewable mandate, he succeed François Le Poultier.  
François Laurent was elected at the presidency of the EPCS in May 2008 for a 1 year renewable mandate, he succeed François Le Poultier.  

Board of directors.
The institutional structure is composed of the following elements:
Research concil
* Board of directors.
Pedagogy concil
* Research concil
Human resource commission
* Pedagogy concil
* Human resource commission
Il s’appuie sur un Conseil d’administration, un Conseil de la recherche, un Conseil de la pédagogie et sur une Commission des ressources humaines.
secretaire général.
Activité : communication, valorisation de la recherche et TICE.

Common services are also integrated into the institution structure.

Common services :

A commun service do projets and missions which are common for the whole university or specific to its field of activity.
A commun service do projets and missions which are common for the whole university or specific to its field of activity.
Nancy university created common services which vocation is to put their skills and their know how at the disposal of all the university.
Nancy university created common services which vocation is to put their skills and their know how at the disposal of all the university. The commun service dealing with e-learning is [NUTICE].

Line 592: Line 495:
Clearly (c) hub and spokes.
Clearly (c) hub and spokes.

Centralisé (completement) mais qui assure une proximité très forte au sein des campus et des composantes (etudiants, enseignant et personnel de manière général).
réseau de correspondant TICE, qui est un réseaux d'enseignants dans chaque composantes des 3 universités et qui sert de relais entre NUTICE et les enseignents.
Acteur d'assistance 1er nieveau et d'animation TICE.
2eme niveau : organisation de permanence et assistance en ligne.
appel à initiative : en avril (37 réponse de projets diffusé à tous les enseignement).
diplome en ligne, composante, projet non institutionnel.
Adresse pour déposer des projets.

* The hub : NUTICE core staff.
* The hub : NUTICE core staff (completely centralized).
* The spokes : represented by the "correspondents" of the "proximity network". Those correspondents (teachers) belongs to the network of NUTICE and are disseminated in all component of Nancy-Université in order to insure everyone (teacher, students, admin staff, etc) can be in close contact with NUTICE and find support.
* The spokes : represented by the "correspondents" of the "proximity network". Those correspondents (teachers) belongs to the network of NUTICE and are disseminated in all component of Nancy-Université in order to insure everyone (teacher, students, admin staff, etc) can be in close contact with NUTICE and find a relay for  help / support.
* different types of spokes : there are several level of proximity. The aim is to support all the possible initiatives (institutational, not institutional, local, small, large, international). Built to suit is also often done.
* different types of spokes : there are several level of proximity. The aim is to support all the possible initiatives (institutational, not institutional, local, small, large, international). Built to suit is also often done.
* also some other services who cooperate with NUTICE (see details below).

Pour les projets c'est NUTICE qui centralise.
Par contre pour raison administrative il y a un établissement porteur de projet qui est choisi parli les 3 universités, mais ca reste purement administratif.
Producteur de module et de ressources.
Usages sur l'enseignement à distance.

* '''''(27) Describe in more detail the structure for the e-learning operation and how it maps into the institutional structure.'''''
* '''''(27) Describe in more detail the structure for the e-learning operation and how it maps into the institutional structure.'''''

* orientation board (see description below)
pedagogique, administratif, technique 14 personnnes soit 11 temps plein.
* NUTICE (common and mutualized service dedicated to the implementation of e-learning in Nancy Université)
* proximity networks
ingenieur chercheur, ingenieur, administratif.
* plus partnership with:
** the 3 CRIs (centers for Informatic Recources)
compétences variées : ingénieurs pedagogues, développeurs multimedia, graphistes, comp audiovisuelles (marge).
** [[videoscop]] : multimedia production center.
** the CTU (Center de Télé-enseignement Universitaire), spécialized in language training = [[ERUDI]] (Etudes et Ressources Universitaires à DIstance) de Nancy-Université gère tous les aspects relatifs à l'administration d'une formation à distance et à l'organisation de la pédagogie en lien avec les composantes de l'Université. Elle assure la préparation à distance des diplômes nationaux de Licence et Master.

videoscop : production multimedia.
NUTICE : service de proximité. mot clef. Quelque chose qui fonctionne aux quotidien et qui réponde à leur attente.

encourager toute initiative, de la plus modeste à la plus sophistiquée quand elle concerne les TICE. qu'elle soit en local ou qu'elle soit un projet d'envergure international.
* '''''(28) Describe the committees that oversee e-learning (including the rank and role of the Chair in each relevant committee) and their relationship to the organisational structure.'''''
Ne peut monter des projet internationnaux que si ca fonctionne et ils sont soutenu en local et que les gens se sentent concernés dans nos établissements.
Aspect juridique
Propriété intellectuelle. droit d'auteur
Sur mesure pour servir un objectif pédagogique.
Producteur de modules et de ressources dans les universités numériques thématique.
dev et mise à dispo de dispositif pour les diplome.

platforme d'apprentissage : infrstructure c'est le CRI tout le reste c'est NUTICE.

Usages dans les formation à distance.
* an orientation board.

The role of the orientation board is to define the general TICE policy for 1 year (general strategy). Meeting once a year. Its composition for each unviersity:
** The president,
** the vice President CEVU,
** a TICE representative, choosen by the President,
** a representative of teacher and a representation of students choosen by the CEVU.
** representatives from partners of common services are invited depending on the agenda.

guichet unique d'accès au TICE !!!!
* NUTICE, executive committee composed of TICE representatives and TICE director. Insure the coordination and is responsable for the implementation of TICE policy. NUTICE have committee meeting every month.
mettre les outils et la stratégie, efficacité.
Travail avec les CRI. 1 CRI par établissement.
Le personnel travail indiferemment pour n'importe quelle université (Nancy 1, 2 et UNPL).
* '''NUTICE (common and mutualized service dedicated to e-education in Nancy Université)'''
a sortir de Nancy 2. Vraiment service commun.
* NUTICE  (Nancy Université TICE), guichet unique d’accès aux TICE à Nancy Université pour tous les personnels et les enseignants
* le [[CRI]] (Centre de Ressources Informatiques)
* le [[Vidéoscop]], centre de production multimédia de l’université, dont la reconnaissance est nationale et internationale.
* le CTU (Centre de Télé-enseignement Universitaire), spécialisé dans la formation en langues = [[ERUDI]] (Etudes et Ressources Universitaires à DIstance) de Nancy-Université gère tous les aspects relatifs à l'administration d'une formation à distance et à l'organisation de la pédagogie en lien avec les composantes de l'Université. Elle assure la préparation à distance des diplômes nationaux de Licence et Master.
Travail en partenariat avec les 3 CRI.
De plus, en lien avec les CRI des établissements, il met à disposition une plateforme pédagogique par établissement (http://ARCHE.univ-nancy2.fr) accessible via l’ENT. L’outil (Moodle) et l’interface sont communs aux 3 universités, la déclinaison est réalisée en fonction de l’usage spécifique à chaque établissement.
* '''''(28) Describe the committees that oversee e-learning (including the rank and role of the Chair in each relevant committee) and their relationship to the organisational structure.'''''
commité politique (stratégique), réuni tous les ans, 1 fois par ans et definit la po generale des TICE de NU pour 1 ans.
composé des présidents des 3 universités, des vice présidents TICE president de NUTICE et CEVU presidents et viceP). Stratégie générale.
NUTICE chargé d'opérationaliser cette politique (mise en oeuvre au quotidien).
Bureau politique : réunion tous les mois.
Participation aux conseil.
dans les 3 établissements

== Learning and Teaching processes ==
== Learning and Teaching processes ==
Line 696: Line 537:
* '''''(29) Describe how choice of pedagogies and technologies is made for a typical programme that is envisaged to include significant e-learning.'''''
* '''''(29) Describe how choice of pedagogies and technologies is made for a typical programme that is envisaged to include significant e-learning.'''''

A envoyer à Sammuel par mail.

A e-campus must provide 3 kinds of services : to produce multimedia materials, to put this multimedia material at students' disposal and to provide a tutor for the follow up.
A e-campus must provide 3 kinds of services : to produce multimedia materials, to put this multimedia material at students' disposal and to provide a tutor for the follow up.

Les modules multimédias complétés par un suivi de l’étudiant par le tuteur remplacent,
The choice of the module size is calculated taking in consideration the number of hours usually done in cathedra and also the homework done by the student. In a learning dispositive, all the modules don't have the same size, it is very rare because the practices are differents between the partners.
dans les campus numériques où l’enseignement se fait à distance, les cours en
présentiel. Le choix de la « taille « du module se fait en comparaison du nombre d’heures de
Making of a media module :
cours réalisées en présentiel et aussi du nombre d’heures de travail de l’étudiant. Dans
un seul dispositif il n’est pas toujours aisé de trouver une taille commune à l’ensemble des
modules car les pratiques des différents partenaires dans ce domaine peuvent être
variables. Lorsque les deux (ou plus) dispositifs sont totalement déconnectés, il est
quasiment impossible d’obtenir sauf hasard une taille identique des modules. La diversité
et la richesse des supports de contenus des modules multimédias peuvent entraîner des
différences très importantes entre deux modules.

médiatisation du module :
All kind of media exist, from the simple PDF to the most elaborated module for a sef-sufficient training. The majority of modules are situated between the 2 extrems. The modules for complete self-training don't really exist but some modules were develop to insure a relative automnomy of the learner. The module in PDF format can be justified in the case of a field of knowledge in continious evolution, as fiscal law or work law for example. The updat of such a module, with a lot of media would result in the full creqtion of a new module and would result in high costs. The modules can also be sorted taking in consideration the media they use. For example a module using only video medias will be more expensive to porduce then a module using HTML. The following classification sort the module in function of the mediatisation in 36 categories:
Si l’on établit une classification du support multimédia en terme de médiatisation cela
* Course with low scenarisation, few media : composed of :
peut aller d’un cours en format PDF jusqu ‘à un cours en complète auto formation. La
an interactive summary, a PDF material per chapter, a multiple choice questionnaire per chapter, a glossary, a
plupart des modules multimédias se situant entre les deux extrêmes. Le module en
bibliography, a webography, eventually one or some case study…
complète auto formation n’existe pas vraiment mais certains modules ont été développés dans
* Course with scenarisation and media : composed of :
cet esprit et donnent à l’étudiant un moyen de se former de façon relativement autonome. Le
an interactive summary, a PDF material per chapter, a document cut in sequences and learning activities (interactive exercices and/or wording pour participation on a forum, a glossary, a bibliography, a webography, some multiple choice questionnaires, eventually one or some case study…
module réalisé sous la forme d’un simple PDF peut se justifier dans certaines matières qui
* Course with high scenarisation and heavy use of media: composed of:
évoluent très souvent comme le droit fiscal, le droit du travail. La mise à jour d’un tel module
an interactive summary, a PDF material per chapter, a teaching aids cut in sequences
très médiatisé reviendrait à réaliser un nouveau module à chaque fois et entraînerait des coûts
and learning activities, integrating audio, animations, interactive applications, fixe images and video, a glossary, a bibliography, a webography, some multiple choice questionnaires, eventually one or some case study…
trop importants. On peut aussi classifier les modules en fonction des supports techniques
utilisés ainsi un module multimédia réalisé entièrement avec des vidéos sera beaucoup
plus onéreux et complexe à réaliser qu’un module en HTML.On peut classifier d’un point
de vue médiatisation les modules en trois catégories :
• Cours peu scénarisé, peu médiatisé : comportant :
un plan interactif ,un polycopié PDF par chapitre,un QCM par chapitre,un glossaire, une
bibliographie, une webographie, éventuellement un ou plusieurs études de cas…
• Cours scénarisé et médiatisé : comportant :
un plan interactif,un polycopié PDF par chapitre,un document découpé en séquences et
activités d’apprentissage (exercices interactifs et/ou énoncés pour réponse sur forum),un
glossaire, une bibliographie, une webographie, des QCM,éventuellement un ou plusieurs
études de cas…
• Cours fortement scénarisé et médiatisé : comportant :
un plan interactif, un polycopié PDF par chapitre, un didacticiel découpé en séquences
et activités d’apprentissage, intégrant commentaires sonores, schémas animés,
applications interactives, images fixes et vidéo,un glossaire, une bibliographie, une
webographie, des QCM ,éventuellement un ou plusieurs études de cas…

granularité du module :
Granularity of the module :
Une autre caractéristique importante dans un module multimédia est sa granularité. Le
choix de la taille du grain de formation ou de la « brique « élémentaire de formation est un
élément important pour l’utilisation pédagogique d’un module.
En effet l’enseignant peut juger que certaines parties du module sont moins importantes que
d’autres et proposer un parcours privilégié à l‘intérieur du module en ne proposant que
certaines parties du module Il faut donc que les grains soient séparables aisément d’un point de
vue technique. L’idéal étant bien sur que l ‘enseignant puisse réaliser des parcours
individualisés pour chaque étudiant.L’étudiant peut aussi en fonction de ses connaissances
préalables se créer son propre parcours à condition que les grains de formation soient
bien identifiés et renseignés d’un point de vue pédagogique. On comprend que la taille du
grain de formation peut prendre une grande importance dans un dispositif de campus

'''Mutualisation, réutilisabilité, scénarisation, chaine éditoriale.'''
Another important caracteristic of a module is its granularity. The choice of educational grain size or of the elementary brick is an important element in pedagogy. In fact, the teacher can decide to modify the path into the module, spending more time on some part (if he thinks they are more important) and reucing the time spent on others. Consequently, the grain must be easy to segregate from technical point of view. The ideal situation is that the teacher can built indicidual path for each student. The students can also, based on his personal background and wishes, select and create his personnal path. In that case the grain must be identified and described from pedagical view. Do note that the size of grain have a great importance in the case of a course develop for a virtual campus use, where re-use, mutualisation and flexibility are the key works.
Key words:
Mutualisation, reuse, scenarisation, editorial chain'

Line 758: Line 565:

Axe 1:
Axe 1:
Utilisation d'une chaine editoriale pour des modules importants.
Use of a editorial chain for module with important size.
La chaine édutoriale: choix scenari (logiciel de production de ressources multimedia qui sépare fond et forme).
Editorial chain: choice of scenari (Scenari is an OpenSource software suite that introduce a new methodology to edit and publish multimedia documents).

Axe 2:  
Axe 2:  
Plateforme pedagogique : moodle. Scenarisation à souhait par les enseignement (chronologique ou thematique). Flexible. totalement autonome. chaque enseignant est maitre de son cours.
pedagogical plateform: moodle. Teacher can customise scenarii (chronology or thematic). Flexible. Full autonomy. Every teacher keep self-control on his training.
Point important de rendre autonome les enseignants des rendre indépendant compte tenu du nb de personnes dans NUTICE.
It is an important point to let the teacher to be self-sufficent because of the number of staff in NUTICE.
Les enseignants souhaitent être autonomes et indépendants.
The teachers mainly wish to be self-sufficient and independent.

=== Learning and teaching development ===
=== Learning and teaching development ===
Line 771: Line 578:
* '''''(31) How much e-learning content is sourced from outside the institution? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment (an exact percentage is useful).'''''
* '''''(31) How much e-learning content is sourced from outside the institution? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment (an exact percentage is useful).'''''

* production interne.
Concerning e-learning content, there are 3 sources:
* Production mutualisée dans les consortium
* Internal production.
* Utilisation de ressource extérieure
* Production in partnership within the consortiums
* Use of external resources (OER from TDU)

(impossible à dire car ne sait pas de que les enseignants utilisent dans leur propres cours). et c'est volontaire.
It difficult to give an answer, because there is no control on the amont of content (that's volontary) that the teacher are using. Teacher have OER at their disposal and build their lecture with it.
Ils mettent à disposition des reservoirs de ressources et les enseignents se débrouillent.

* '''''(32) Of all e-learning content sourced from outside the institution, what fraction is OER? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment.'''''
* '''''(32) Of all e-learning content sourced from outside the institution, what fraction is OER? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment.'''''

reservoir de ressources où se trouve que ce qui est légalement utilisable.
No idea. No measure on that.
dans les UNT : reservoir de ressources parce qu'ils sont adhérents.

pas de controle dessus.
They are using the resources from UNT.
outil (indication) pour dire les droits pour chaque ressources.
prescrire, reutiliser et. (gradation).

Line 794: Line 596:
* '''''(33) When staff in the institution develop content, is the content (a) owned by them and licensed to the institution, (b) owned by the institution but with some licensing back to staff, (c) owned by the institution but with no licensing back to staff, (d) unclear or disputed IPR position? Whatever option is chosen, provide a narrative describing the situation in more detail.'''''
* '''''(33) When staff in the institution develop content, is the content (a) owned by them and licensed to the institution, (b) owned by the institution but with some licensing back to staff, (c) owned by the institution but with no licensing back to staff, (d) unclear or disputed IPR position? Whatever option is chosen, provide a narrative describing the situation in more detail.'''''

tout ce qui est produit par l'enseignent pour son cours : il est le propriétaire. Et ce n'est pas re-utilisé à l'extérieur.
Let's develop the all the cases:
tout ce qui est produit avec soutient NUTICE : soumis à accord de mutualisation. Tout ce qui est produit avec le soutien de NUTICE est mis à dispo des enseignments de Nancy-Univ. Mais non modifiable sans l'accord de l'auteur. Et non diffusable à l'extérieur. Les enseignants signent sans problèmes.
En consortium accord est signé pour l'abandon des IPR à l'université.

certaines ressources sont produites pour un usage assez confidentiel et pas nécessaire de mettre en place des choses complexe dans ce cas.
* all content developed by teachers themselves belong to them. It can not be used by the institution.
* all content developed with the support of NUTICE: is under a agreement of mutualisation. That means the content is put at the disposal of all the teachers of NU, but not editable without the agreement of the author and not usable out of NU. In practive, the teachers accept this agreement wihout making difficulties.
* in consortium, IPR are given up to the university.
* some resources are produced for a confidential use and it is not necessary to set up agreement.

For external use:
Les auteurs, lorsqu’ils fournissent des contenus pour la réalisation de modules multimédias
The authors, when they give content for the creation of multimedia modules, have to give up their ownership and give the right to the university. When the university is in a consortium, the partner university should also be able to use the module. But when the module have to be use in another consortium, there can be some difficulties in the use of the content is limited to 1 consortium. In some cases, some authors gain some rights for the diffusion of pictures or videos just for a limited and precise public. If the use is wider that expected, the author can have problems.
doivent céder les droits d’exploitation à l’université. Lorsque l’université fait partie
d’un consortium, il faut que les universités partenaires puissent également utiliser le
module. Mais lorsque le module peut être utilisé dans un autre consortium il peut exister
des problèmes d’exploitation dus à la limitation du champ d’utilisation à un
consortium. De plus certains auteurs ont pu obtenir des droits pour des images, des vidéos
des logiciels ou des documents à condition que ceux ci soient destinés à un public limité et
ciblé. Si l’on dépasse le cadre de cette autorisation, cela peut poser des problèmes à

* '''''(34) When content is sourced for a programme within the institution, how much is sourced from other departments within the institution? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment (an exact percentage is useful).'''''
* '''''(34) When content is sourced for a programme within the institution, how much is sourced from other departments within the institution? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment (an exact percentage is useful).'''''

charte de mutualisation : si en partenarait avec NUTICE : utilisation sur nancy université en interne.
No idea on the percentage. It happens frequently, that's why the chart of mutualisation exists.
si tout seul, c'est réservé à un usage privé !

* '''''(35) What is the role of student-generated content in the institution's programmes? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment.'''''
* '''''(35) What is the role of student-generated content in the institution's programmes? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment.'''''

Géré a l'intérieur de chaque cours avec les étudiant.
Building of course in partnership with the student is done in NU. This is managed by teachers themselves. The teachers can choose and discuss with the student. Teacher have the responsibilities.
co-construction de cours. Sous controle et responsabilité des enseignants. L'enseignant décide avec ses étudiants ce qu'il veut en faire.

=== Learning and teaching evaluation and quality ===
=== Learning and teaching evaluation and quality ===
Line 827: Line 619:
* '''''(36) Describe the quality procedures (a) in general terms and (b) with respect to e-learning.'''''
* '''''(36) Describe the quality procedures (a) in general terms and (b) with respect to e-learning.'''''

On met en place une procédure de labelisation des ressources.  
The is a labelisation process of the resources.  
Ils partent des ressources individuelles de l'enseignant pour aller à une ressource mutualisé et mutualisable et exportable à l'extérieur.
They start from the resource of one teacher and go to common resources, used by several people.
Relecture extérieures. Assez traditionnel.
BAsed on external review. Traditional approach.
Becaucoup d'autonomie laissé à l'ensignement jusqu'au moment ou ils pensent
UNT : commité scientifique avec des reviewers.
Pareil en consortium

Critère de qualité (grille): éléments : confus pas confus, exercices pas d'exercices, interactivité, etc.
A lot of freedom is given to the teacher. They are more careful when the resource should be use in an UNT. In that case, the resources is reviewed by a scientific committee. It is the same for the use in consortium.

Dans UNT concortium avec reviewers.
For review there are quality criteria with a grid: element : clear / unclearconfus, exercises / no exercises, interactivity / no interactivity, etc.

Pas d'organisme certifié !

* '''''(37) Describe the approach to evaluation of programmes (a) in general terms and (b) where such programmes have significant e-learning components.'''''
* '''''(37) Describe the approach to evaluation of programmes (a) in general terms and (b) where such programmes have significant e-learning components.'''''

contrat quadriennel. Tous les 4 ans ils font un bilan au ministère.
The ojectives and goal are written in the quadriennal contrat. Every 4 yearrs, the write a report to the ministry to make stock of the situation.
Redigés et visites d'expert du ministères AERES, à partir du document écrit.
There is a visit form a ministry expert (AERES), taking as a starting point the written document. That's a national dispositive.
Dispositif national. Site en ligne

== Meta Learning and Teaching processes ==
== Meta Learning and Teaching processes ==
Line 854: Line 640:
* '''''(38) Describe how the institution communicates good practice in e-learning within itself, focussing on communications across internal boundaries.'''''
* '''''(38) Describe how the institution communicates good practice in e-learning within itself, focussing on communications across internal boundaries.'''''

NUTICE qui effectue la communication.
NUTICE is doing the internal communication.
* seminaires
* seminars
* formations
* trainings
* site web.
* web site.
* rubrique d'actualité
* actuallity letter
* mails.
* mails.
* 1 fois par ans (nouvel année) courrier flashy avec CD et communication autour des TICE).
* once a year (beginiing of the year) flashy brochure with CD and communication about the TICE.
* imprimé dans revue interne avec reportage video consacré à NUTICE.
* articles into the internal revue with video clips dedicated to NUTICE.
* Intervient dans les conseils (dans les compôsantes).
* NUTICE attends councils.

Line 868: Line 654:
* '''''(39) Describe how the institution communicates its good practice in e-learning to organisations outside.'''''
* '''''(39) Describe how the institution communicates its good practice in e-learning to organisations outside.'''''

NUTICE present dans les réseaux:
NUTICE has or is taking part in the following networks:
* TICE monde
* TICE world

Publie dans les conférences:
Publish in main conferences or event:

organise des conférences:
organise conferences:
* premier printemps des Sciences et technoligie
* spring of Sciences & technoligies (100 participants).
* TICE 2010 sera à Nancy (conf qui a lieu tous les 2 ans). (350 participants).
* TICE 2010 will take place in Nancy (this conf. happens every 2 years). (350 participants).
NUTICE has in its missions to represent the institute in the field of TICE at regional, national and international level.

NUTICE a dans ses missions de  représenter l'établissement dans le domaine des TICE aux échelons régional, national et international.
Reseau : EDEN
Conf : OEB.
organisation de conférences : printemps des sciences et technilogiesw (100 participants)
TICE 2010 : conferences qui ruénis tous les acteurs des TICE (350 participants) (Nancy organisator/ foracopohne). visite industriels. Fréquentation nationale.

* '''''(40) Describe how the institution communicates good practice in e-learning from outside organisations into its own organisation.'''''
* '''''(40) Describe how the institution communicates good practice in e-learning from outside organisations into its own organisation.'''''

fait venir des extérieur pour les seminaires.
NUTICE invite external expert for seminars.
Rubrique actualité et relais l'information.
actuality heading.
Promotion partout.
Promotion everywhere.
Pour les IENT : fait venir le responsable de l'universrtié NT devant les enseignants pour avoir des pour des débats directs.
For the UNT : ask for a visit of the UNT representatinve in order there can be direct discussion between teacher and the representative

* '''''(41) Describe recent occasions on which institutional leaders or managers have made presentations with significant reference to e-learning.'''''
* '''''(41) Describe recent occasions on which institutional leaders or managers have made presentations with significant reference to e-learning.'''''

Participate to events.
dans projets européens.
Particpates in meeting for european projects
Fort soutient. Les institutionnels participent inogiation du printemps des science et techno.
Strong support from institutional learders.
Com pliotge de commité européen ils participent
They will also partcicipate in the inoguration of spring of science and tech.
Chatre sar/lor/lux
Participate in the european administrative board
e-learning dans les messages polotiques.
Chart sar/lor/lux
Communication IUEN : table ronde sur la gouvernances des TICE dans les établissements FrC.
e-learning in political messages.
Dans les CA de tous les UNT sauf une. Vide presidente d'une UNT. impliqué un peu partout.
Communication IUEN : discussion about gouvernance of TICE in French HEI.
They are in all the administration board of all the UNT exept one.


En interne.
La communication est importante pour casser la routine.
Communication is important to break routine.
Aller d'une production artisanale à industriel.
To go from a small production to a bigger size.

En externe.
important car imossible de faire des TICE tout seul.
important because it is impossible to do TICE alone !
scenari est né d'une regroupement de service TICE pour developper un outil commun. Si pas là, pas vu pas obtenu. Mutualisation !!
Scenari was born after TICE service gathered knowledge to produce a common tool.

=== Value for money ===
=== Value for money ===
Line 919: Line 704:
* '''''(42) Describe the annual planning procedure (a) in general and (b) how it handles e-learning aspects.'''''
* '''''(42) Describe the annual planning procedure (a) in general and (b) how it handles e-learning aspects.'''''

Dotation budgetaire annuelles. Definit prioirité et fait un plan de financement.
Budget is done annually. They define the priorities and make a finance plan.
Plan établi pour l'année (en fonction du budget et des priorité).
The director of NUTICE take part in the finance commission, promote project and ask for financial support.
Anne est présente dans les commissions budgetaires pour demander soutien et defendre les projets.

* '''''(43) Describe the decision-making process for a typical academic programme, with particular reference to how e-learning aspects are handled.'''''
* '''''(43) Describe the decision-making process for a typical academic programme, with particular reference to how e-learning aspects are handled.'''''
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* '''''(44) Describe the decision-making process for a typical large IT project such as selection and installation of a new VLE.'''''
* '''''(44) Describe the decision-making process for a typical large IT project such as selection and installation of a new VLE.'''''

un outils unique pour tout le monde.
* Clear objective : unique tool for NU.
Décision prise de manière collégiale.
* NUTICE moderator
Reunion de tous les enseignant et proposition de 3 solutions.
* Meeting of the 3 instution teacher, proposition of technical facilities (3 possible porposed platforms)
Proposition de solution à tester (à tous les ensignement qui utilisaient la plateforme précédente).
* Teachers do the testing. They ave a testing period. Give dead line.
Installation d'une version et transfert de leur cours dessus.
* Vote.
possibilité de development specifique (qu'est-ce que vous souhaitez commme fonctionnalité en +)
* Possibility for speficical development
donnée delais
et vote 1 2 3.
Unanimité sur Moodle.

pareil à UHP. Même choix, Moodle.

Line 951: Line 731:
* '''''(46) Describe the procedures in the institution for assigning or negotiating teaching workload to/with staff, taking account of non-traditional styles of teaching as well as classroom teaching and taking specific account of e-learning.'''''
* '''''(46) Describe the procedures in the institution for assigning or negotiating teaching workload to/with staff, taking account of non-traditional styles of teaching as well as classroom teaching and taking specific account of e-learning.'''''

Changement de loie sur les université et enseignement chercheur. En pleine reforme. National.
National reform. The law for university is changing. No view at that time.

== Staff ==
== Staff ==
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* '''''(47) Describe the approach to development of e-learning technical and pedagogic skills among staff, taking account of the different needs of different categories of staff. Set this within the context of staff development generally.'''''
* '''''(47) Describe the approach to development of e-learning technical and pedagogic skills among staff, taking account of the different needs of different categories of staff. Set this within the context of staff development generally.'''''

NUTICE est là quand c'est necessaire.
NUTICE is here when needed.
Plan de formation pour rendre les enseignents autonome.
Formation auprès des étudiants.
There are training programmes to help teachers to become automonous.
Accompagneement de tout à chacun dans son apprentissage des TICE.
NUTICE also accompany everyone if he need some help for the use of TICE (for suppport, learning) etc.
Serious game avec récup de l'envronnement info des etudiants.
NUTICE offer both general support, as well as customized support.
NUTICE offers several trainings programs to the staff of Nancy Université. The training focus both on technical skills and pedagogy.
NUTICE offers several trainings programs to the staff of Nancy Université. The training focus both on technical skills and pedagogy.
One very important point is that NUTICE provide training to the teachers in order they can be self-sufficient, that means to use the e-learning platform, produce e-learning material etc.
One very important point is that NUTICE provide training to the teachers in order they can be self-sufficient, that means to use the e-learning platform, produce e-learning material etc.
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(a) The level is equal to the expectation of the university. The staff beneficiate of the trainings provided by NUTICE. Training session often happens, so staff competence is quite good. A role of NUTICE is to offer assistance to the staff when it is necessairy. So staff also beneficiate from a good support by NUTICE.
(a) The level is equal to the expectation of the university. The staff beneficiate of the trainings provided by NUTICE. Training session often happens, so staff competence is quite good. A role of NUTICE is to offer assistance to the staff when it is necessairy. So staff also beneficiate from a good support by NUTICE.

Envois les gens en formation à l'extérieur aussi.
Staff sometimes also go for trainning out of NU.

(b) actuellement niveau de compétence attendue. Formation régulière. Plan de formation en interne pour formation aux nouveaux outils, nouvelles technologies.

* '''''(49) Describe the extent to which staff attitudes to e-learning are favourable or not. Use a 1-5 scale with a comment.'''''
* '''''(49) Describe the extent to which staff attitudes to e-learning are favourable or not. Use a 1-5 scale with a comment.'''''

Le staff de NUTICE est volontaire bien sûr !
Based on  self participation.
NUTICE use the students and teacher colleagues as a leverage for incitation.
The majority of staff is favorable and integrate e-learning in their lecture.
The strategy of NUTICE to let staff free.  Works well.

Pour les autres, les enseignents c'est basé sur le volontariat.
Few people refractory to e-learing and the use of ITC in education.
Pa sd'obligation. Travail sur l'incitation. utilisation des étudiants et collègue comme leviers. Marche bien ! C2I : étudiants initiés aux TICE demandent aux ensignants pourquoi votre cours ne le fait pas.
The majority of staff is favorable.
Based on  self-motivation.
The strategy of NUTICE to let staff free  works weel.plutot d'accord. le staff.
Les enseignant : basé que sur le volontariat. Etudiant et collègues comme levier. Marche bien.
C2I bon levier pour motiver les profs.
Totalement refractaire est marginale.

* '''''(50) Describe the way that the institution rewards and recognises staff with competence in e-learning, in (a) monetary and (b) non-monetary terms.'''''
* '''''(50) Describe the way that the institution rewards and recognises staff with competence in e-learning, in (a) monetary and (b) non-monetary terms.'''''

There is no particular way to reward staff with competence in e-learning and doing e-learning activities in Nancy Université. In France, more generally, there are no special consideration for those kind of skills and no rewards.
There is no particular way to reward staff with competence in e-learning and doing e-learning activities in Nancy Université. In France, more generally, there are no special consideration for those kind of skills and no rewards.
Pas de distinction entre les enseignants qui utilisent le e-learning et les autres. Il n'y a pas non plus de dispostif destiné à les récompenser. Ce n'est pas quelque chose qui est dans les pratiques dans les universités françaises.

=== Management and leadership ===
=== Management and leadership ===
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* VLE and/or content repository
* VLE and/or content repository
Called ENT (for Environnement Numérique de Travail). The university develop a portal (ESUP portal).
Called ENT (for Environnement Numérique de Travail). The university develop a portal (ESUP portal).
De plus, en lien avec les CRI des établissements, il met à disposition une plateforme pédagogique par établissement (http://ARCHE.univ-nancy2.fr) accessible via l’ENT. L’outil (Moodle) et l’interface sont communs aux 3 universités, la déclinaison est réalisée en fonction de l’usage spécifique à chaque établissement.

* email or bulletin boards
* email or bulletin boards
Line 1,128: Line 898:
* '''''(63) Describe any changes further downstream that the institution is now considering or concerned about.'''''
* '''''(63) Describe any changes further downstream that the institution is now considering or concerned about.'''''

???? Question incomprehensible.

* '''''(64) Describe how the institution handles the foresight aspects of its operation with regard to e-learning.'''''
* '''''(64) Describe how the institution handles the foresight aspects of its operation with regard to e-learning.'''''
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== References and reports ==
== References and reports ==

''Add what you can''.
<!--Add what you can-->

Virtual Models of European Universities.
Virtual Models of European Universities: http://www.elearningeuropa.info/extras/pdf/virtual_models.pdf

EURO-QLIO project: www.euro-qlio.uhp-nancy.fr/index.php/fre/content/download/503/3266/file/Communication-euroqlio_cifa_v3.pdf  
EURO-QLIO project: http://www.euro-qlio.uhp-nancy.fr/index.php/fre/content/download/503/3266/file/Communication-euroqlio_cifa_v3.pdf

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[[Category:Evolution of existing institutions|Nancy]]
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[[Category:Case studies|Nancy]]
[[Category:Case study for GEO|Nancy]]
[[Category:Case study for GEO|Nancy]]
[[Category:Institutional reports]]
[[Category:Institutional reports]]

Latest revision as of 10:04, 5 October 2009

Logo of Nancy-Université

The Nancy-Université (Abrev: NU) is a federation of 3 HEIs in the city of Nancy, in France. This EPCS has been created in 2007.

This federation groups the three HEIs in Nancy:

It prefigures a complete fusion of the three universities in the not too distant future. Currently a number of departments are now common to the federation. With respect to ICT, the recently created department NUTICE is responsible for educational ICT support for the three institutions.

Nancy-Université is lead by one of the president of the member institutions. François Laurent is the president of the EPCS Nancy-Université since the 6 May 2008 for a mandate of 1 year renewable. He succeed François Le Poultier.

This EPCS, public establishment, aims at regrouping the means in the service of a common policy allowing a better effectiveness and a better visibility of missions of training, research, promotion and of broadcasting of University’s know how. It leans on a Directorate, a Council of research, a Council of pedagogy and on a Commission of human resources.

A total of 40,000 students annually follow the courses in the 3 HEIs. The federation awards a total of nearly 400 diplomas that cover almost all domain of knowledge and issued around 17 000 degrees and diplomas in the year 2007. The permanent staff of the 3 establishments is made up of about 5000 people, about 2200 teachers-researchers and lecturers and about 2500 in administration.

“Nancy-Université Continuing education” NU make a commitment to Life Long Learning and offer a unique structure giving to firms, to public agencies and private and to persons a true know-how in engineering of Training. NU has experience in the following fieds: evaluation of competences, validation of knowledges and experience, individual certificate of training, trainings leading to qualification and diploma, advice and accompaniment. It offer its services to traditional learners, distance learner, into company or out of the company. Every year, either 3500 persons participate into NU life long learning activities or 530 000 hours of training.

“Numeric University” NU is a member of UNIRE network (Numeric University in Region). NU set up for all its members, staff, students, a numeric platform where they can find resources, services. This platform can be reach from all pc connected to Internet, 24h/24 everywhere. 100% of the campus is covered by WIFI.

The Nancy-université web site is at www.nancy-universite.fr

Partnerships and exchange programmes

A lot of partnerships (regional, national and international) for this federation of universities involved in many virtual-campus, subject-oriented virtual universities. Nancy-Université is an active member of UNIRE (Université Numérique interRégionale de l’Est). To summarize it has partnerships with 155 universities in 24 European countries.

The university participates among others in the Erasmus-Mundus programme. The Erasmus-Mundus Masters are multinational educational programmes of high quality organised by consortiums of european HEIs. Nancy-Université deal with 3 masters:

  • FUSION-EP : European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics in partnership with 6 european universities.
  • AMASE : Advanced Materials Science and Engeneering Master in partnership with 3 european universties.
  • TAL : Traitement Automatique des Langues in partnership with 9 european universities.

Nancy-Université or one of its member institution os member or partner of:


The present

  • (1) Provide a general description of the institution in its current state, putting the e-learning into context.

Nancy-Université is a federation of 3 university of Nancy. Each university has kepp is own identity, it is not a merging. Some services were regrouped. One of the first actions within Nancy-Université was to regroup all the activities linked to ITC in education. Nancy 2 e-education activities are now considered in the context of the EPCS Nancy University via its service called NUTICE

Nancy-Universtié is composed of traditional universities offering also open and distance learning and participating in many virtual-campus initiatives. The use of ITC is a priority for the university.

The activities of NU can be summarized and organized at several level:

  • local: with the utilization of e-learning module by teacher in a blended format with traditional learning.
  • regional (virtual campus at regional scale)
  • National: (national virtual campus and thematical numeric university)
  • International: (virtual campus for multi graduating training where student realize virtual mobility in several countries).

NU’s e-learning offer is multi disciplinary.

NU offer to all staff and users un numerical work space (it was one of the 3 first French university to do it). This space gather, in function of the user profile all the necessary services he needs.

A part of the administration is done online at the university. Nancy 2 was the first french university to propose a online registration. About 15 400 students registered online in 2005-2006.

  • (2) What is the institution's annual budget?

  • (3) How many students does the institution have (a) in total? (b) as full-time equivalents?

Nancy-Université (a) 40 000 students, including 6 000 foreign students.

(b) No information.

  • (4) How many staff does the institution have (a) in total? (b) as full-time equivalents?

(a) 5000 staff in NU :

  • 2 200 researchers / teachers
  • 2 500 administrative staff and non-professional staff.

(b)not found.

Considered as full time equivalent.

  • (5) What is the institution's "business model"? (a) public (b) private (c) consortium (d) national programme. If (c) or (d) above, list the other partners (or the members) and for each briefly describe its role.

(a) public

  • (6) What percentage of the institution's students are based outside the home country?
  • 6000 foreign students in Nancy-Université
  • 1000 students of NU studying abroad.

  • (7) Describe the institution's approach to virtual mobility.

High priority for this institution. The Nancy 2 university was one of the first french university to start with virtual campus and distance education.

Some technologic dispositives are important to notify:

  • virtual ressources
  • virtual working environment (ENT since 2004)
  • customized platform.

Some educional dispositives are important to notify:

  • educational programs with virtual exchange between 3 institutes at international.
  • distance education (Master).
  • virtual campus.
  • e-learning projects.

No students are doing a Virtual Erasmus.

  • (8) Describe how the institution manages its "brand" (a) in general and (b) in respect of any e-learning aspects.

The institutions of Nancy University are more that 100 years old. They are well known because of their history.

Concerning e-learning, NU is doing :

  • web site NU and web site for each institution.
  • NTIC portal
  • conferences and seminars in France
  • international conferences and seminars
  • participation in big e-learning events : EDEN, OEB.
  • publication
  • participation in consortiums
  • participation to meeting organised by the european commission
  • member of the french association for ITC for education.
  • TICE networks :
    • TICE world
    • TICE research and inovation.

The past

Nancy-Université itself has a very short past, as it was created in 2007. The following lines describe the common or important elements that can be highlighted from the past of the 3 members universities.

  • (9) Give a narrative description of the institution's history since its foundation, concentrating on key dates, recent years and any e-learning issues.
  • The Nancy 2 university, Nancy 1 Henri Poincaré and the National Polytechnnic institute of Lorraine (Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL)) were created in 1971 following the reform of higher education enforced by the law "Faure" (Nov. 1968).
  • 1978, saw the creation of VIDEOSCOP, an audiovisual and multimedia production centre in Nancy 2. VIDEOSCOP currently produces pedagical video programmes and multimédia materials for educational purposes in the e-campuses in which Nancy 2 is involved. These programmes are broadcast through video channels such as Canal-U. Videoscop is also the coordinator of or partner in a number of European projects, including those of the eLene group. (See also technology part for more information about VIDEOSCOP).
  • Creation of CRIs (Centre de Ressource Informatique - Informatic ressource center) in the 3 universities. A CRI is a common service devoted to all aspects related with the development of ICT, in order to support administrative, research, pedagogical activities. For example, CRI has offered in 1998 an internet access and a personal email to each student of the university Nancy 2, in 2004 a vitual desk . Since 1998, it proposes a pedagogical platform (with targetted access to e-ressources since 2004 via the virtual desk). The CRIs are important for e-learning because one of their mission is to support research and development of Information and Communication Technologies.
  • In 1998, Nancy 1 and Nancy 2 responded to the Allegre call - a call dealing with the use of new technologies - and started the NUO project in 1999 (NUO for Nancy Université Ouverte = Open University Nancy). This e-campus got bigger the following year (2000) with the support of the Regional Council of Lorraine. Other universities in Lorraine joined the project, which became a pluri-disciplinary e-campus on a regional scale. LUNO (for - Lorraine Université Ouverte) is still running nowadays.
  • In parallel, in 2000, Nancy 2 answered a call for proposals launched by the ministries of education and research for the creation of "campus numérique français" (french e-campuses).
  • Virtual-campus initiatives

virtual-campuses in which Université Nancy 2 is involved, all of them are relevant to e-learning:

  • Law, Economics, Management

  • April to July 2003, following the demand of the European Commission, PLS Ramboll (a Scandinavian management consulting firm) carried out case studies in 8 European countries for the report Virtual Models of European Universities. http://www.elearningeuropa.info/extras/pdf/virtual_models.pdf. With the help of the national ministry for education, it identified CANEGE (a virtual campus in which Nancy 2 is involved) as an example of best practice in e-learning at European level.The insitutions which were selected for these case studies decided to join forces and created eLene (eLearning network) in November of the same year. They have since sucessfully run three Virtual Campus projects in the European Commission supported eLearning programme.

  • In september 2007, Nancy 2 has decided to reorganise e-education activities in nancy 2, it leads to the end of the CEFOD Unit, the transformation of the CTU (Centre de Télé-enseignement Universitaire) into the ERUDI structure (http://) and the creation in the EPCS Nancy Université of a common service dedicated to e-education, called NUTICE (http://TICE.nancy-universite.fr). Since january 2008, all the activities related to e-education are missions of this service for the three Universities in Nancy.

External environment

  • (10) What is the institution's funding from government as a percentage of annual income?

almost 100 %. Taken from the quadriennal contract done with the ministry of education.

  • (11) Describe the way that funding is provided for institutions in the institution's country, or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country.

There are some regional fundings for specifical project. But on the wohole it is the same as for other French institutions.

  • (12) Describe the legal status of the institution.

Nancy-Université has not a status of university because no student are registered in Nancy Université. Students register to one of the 3 component of NU.

Nancy-Université is an EPCS. The status of public instite of scientific cooperation (EPCT) was created by the law of avril 18th 2006. It is one a the possible status for a group of HEI.

Nancy-Université is also a PRES (Pole of research and HE)

  • (13) List the language(s) that the institution uses for instruction with the percentage of students studying in each. (Bilingual study can also be included.)

French language mainly. Some lectures in English (Master) or Erasmus Mundus.

  • (14) Describe any specific cultural issues that affect the institution's students or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country. Mention any features relevant to e-learning.
  • intercultural module
  • french language departement for foreigners
  • the institution have made efforts since several years to help handicaped persons.

  • (15) Describe the external quality assurance and/or accreditation regime affecting the institution, or state that it is the same as for other institutions in the country. Mention any features relevant to e-learning.

The 3 HEI in NU are engaged in a common quality approach.

The framework is written in the quadriennal contract, it is also adapted to the european advices. The aims are the continuous improvement of quality, in term of excellence, users satisfaction, efficiency of processes or certification via the set up of monitoring tools for assessment.

NU have internal experience in the field of quality approach :

  • some laboratories are certified.
  • the continuing education service is certified (certification iso 9001)
  • evaluation process for the evaluation of courses and professional ou encore processus d’évaluation des enseignements et de l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants.
  • creation of a group in charge of quality assistance
  • 1 quality officer

The same as for other institution in the country.

  • Creation of a group for quality insurance.
  • continuing education is accredited iso 9001.

  • (16) Describe the approach to credit transfer with other similar institutions.

Credit transfert is mandatory since the LMD system is set up.

  • (17) List the main associations that the institution is a member of, with a note as to the relevance of each to e-learning (if any).

Nancy-Université is participating into 6 UNT. UNT (Université numériques thématiques) Nancy-Université is participating in all the UNT except the UNJF.

ANSTIA : association of TICE and audiovusual studio network in France.

FIED : Federation Inter-university of distance education. Catalogue of online trainings. Annual quolloquium. Guichet commun des formation universitaire en ligne. A des ramifications en dehors de France.

NUFC: nancy université continuing education is in the following networks :

EUCEN : world wide network for continuing education & LLL with the use if ITC in education.

EDEN : videoscop is a member.

Promotion at international level TICE world : Launch by NUTICE = address book.

National level TICERI research and inovation (to federate the energy of researchers aroud ITC and education) Obj : to built project using ITC and to use NUTICE as a experimental field.

Virtual-campus initiatives

virtual-campuses where Université Nancy 2 is involved, all of them are relevant to e-learning:

  • Law, Economics, Management
  • International
    • Participation of University Nancy 2 in eLene a virtual campus initiative for the training of teachers.

EUROQLIo sub prog erasmus - multilateral project - virtual campus. campus virtuel tri diplomation fr/ bulg / roumanie. TICE 50% of distance education. licence and master in LLL framework.

Université Virtuelle de la méditerrannée. consortium crée qq mois. president UNT marocain. président UNT francais.

  • (18) List the main international partners of the institution, in the order of strategic importance, with priority given to collaborations involving e-learning.

400 partner universities.

By order of importance for e-learning:

Master with syrian university to promote the use of ITC in education in Syria is ths most important.

  • Roumania
  • Bulgaria
  • Benin
  • Tunisia
  • Finland
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • England
  • Poland
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • Luxenbourg
  • Belgium
  • Syria
  • Morocco

International agreements:

More than 112 interniversity conventions have been signed with Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Benin, Brésil, Burkina Faso, Bolivie, Canada, Chine, Colombie, Cuba, Danemark, Espagne, E.U., Gabon, G.B., Grèce, Hongkong, Irlande, Italie, Japon, Kazakhstan, Liban, Luxembourg, Macao, Maroc, Mexique, Palestine, Pays-Bas, Philippines, Pologne, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Sweden, Suisse, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraina, Yougoslavia


(Do not include annual plans.)

  • (19) Describe or provide a document describing the current institutional strategy.

See that with the presidency. site nancy 2 sur obj.

  • (20) Describe or provide a document describing the current learning and teaching strategy.

Difficult to give a simple answer because:

  • strategy vary from one institute to another (3 institutes)
  • even in an institute, as it is interdiciplinary, the objectives and strategy vary.
  • there as different type of education : from mass education to elite education.

  • (21) Describe or provide a document describing the current e-learning strategy.

Sme important points from discussions to highlight:

  • a unique service : NUTICE --> more simple, clear and effective.
  • the general belief of NUTICE concerning the e-learning strategy is to give access to everyone by the help of ITC to learning dispositives and ressources.
  • training for everyone in the university
    • teachers
    • students
  • Teachers are free : they make choice on how many e-learning they incorporate into their lecture.
  • Use students as a leverage ! (C2I preparative course at the beginnning of the year). Genereally students like it and ask for more e-learning to the teachers.
  • customized numerical environment (for teacher, students etc).

NUTICE foster the use and develoment of ITC in the 3 universities. The team have expertise in pedagogy and technology. NUTICE help, accompany, and train teacher who woudl like to use ITC in their courses.

L'objectif étant également d'être le relais des différentes initiatives enseignantes et étudiantes utilisant les TIC en offrant un service de proximité avec l'ambition d'être un guichet unique d'accès aux TICE.

NUTICE give training, advices, assistance in the use of ITC, in the creation of media resources in the following fields :

  • pedagogical ingineering,
  • Accompagny users in the new uses
  • Assistance for converting content into a media format.
  • technological and pedagogical watch
  • dissemination of practices,
  • Assistance to users
  • Promotion of TICE,
  • Participation into international and international work groups,

and all action related to TICE...

  • (22) What is the percentage of students (a) taking courses wholly or largely delivered by e-learning (b) taking courses where the amount of institutionally supplied/guided e-learning is "significant" (i.e. has an impact on staff or students) and (c) taking courses where the where the amount of institutionally supplied/guided e-learning is insignificant? In each case comment on the answer.

Teacher are free to integrate e-learning or not in their training. That is NU policy to insure a optimum automony and flexibility to teachers. So it is difficult to give an answer to this question.

Some courses are done online by decision:

  • All students intent to the C2I course online (certificate informatic and internet). NUTICE use it as a leverage to increase students demand for e-learning.
  • 100% online (ex : Hebrews).
  • 1040 courses online in Nancy 2
  • 1060 cours online in UHP
  • 150 in l'INPL (engineer).(moins grand nombre de formation, donc - de nombre de cours en ligne).
  • Practical work is done online when reality can be dangerous or acces is restricted.

All diplomas have some online supports.

  • (23) Give the percentage of the institutional budget that e-learning represents. Comment on how it is measured including the assumptions made, whether it is appropriate and any trends.

Meaningless. Not representative because some activities will continue and other not.

Strong political support from the presidents of the 3 institutions. The presidents support the TICEs.

  • (24) Categorise the role (if any) of external funding in fostering the development of e-learning as (a) not relevant, (b) useful, or (c) essential. Comment on the choice.

(c)essential. e-learing (as a main part of educational system in France) is almost 90 - 100% funded by state.


  • (25) Describe the institutional structure, preferably supplying an organigram.

The Federation Nancy-Université is lead by the board of directors (the presidents of the 3 member universities) :

  • Jean-Pierre Finance, President of Université Henri Poincaré - Nanci 1.
  • François Le Poultier, President of Université Nancy 2.
  • François Laurent, President of Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.

The EPCS Nancy-Université is lead by one of the 3 presidents of the member universities. François Laurent was elected at the presidency of the EPCS in May 2008 for a 1 year renewable mandate, he succeed François Le Poultier.

The institutional structure is composed of the following elements:

  • Board of directors.
  • Research concil
  • Pedagogy concil
  • Human resource commission

Common services are also integrated into the institution structure.

A commun service do projets and missions which are common for the whole university or specific to its field of activity. Nancy university created common services which vocation is to put their skills and their know how at the disposal of all the university. The commun service dealing with e-learning is [NUTICE].

  • (26) Classify the e-learning support model as (a) hub (b) distributed (c) hub and spokes (d) complicated (e) non-existent. Comment on the choice.

Clearly (c) hub and spokes.

  • The hub : NUTICE core staff (completely centralized).
  • The spokes : represented by the "correspondents" of the "proximity network". Those correspondents (teachers) belongs to the network of NUTICE and are disseminated in all component of Nancy-Université in order to insure everyone (teacher, students, admin staff, etc) can be in close contact with NUTICE and find a relay for help / support.
  • different types of spokes : there are several level of proximity. The aim is to support all the possible initiatives (institutational, not institutional, local, small, large, international). Built to suit is also often done.
  • also some other services who cooperate with NUTICE (see details below).

  • (27) Describe in more detail the structure for the e-learning operation and how it maps into the institutional structure.
  • orientation board (see description below)
  • NUTICE (common and mutualized service dedicated to the implementation of e-learning in Nancy Université)
  • proximity networks
  • plus partnership with:
    • the 3 CRIs (centers for Informatic Recources)
    • videoscop : multimedia production center.
    • the CTU (Center de Télé-enseignement Universitaire), spécialized in language training = ERUDI (Etudes et Ressources Universitaires à DIstance) de Nancy-Université gère tous les aspects relatifs à l'administration d'une formation à distance et à l'organisation de la pédagogie en lien avec les composantes de l'Université. Elle assure la préparation à distance des diplômes nationaux de Licence et Master.

  • (28) Describe the committees that oversee e-learning (including the rank and role of the Chair in each relevant committee) and their relationship to the organisational structure.

  • an orientation board.

The role of the orientation board is to define the general TICE policy for 1 year (general strategy). Meeting once a year. Its composition for each unviersity:

    • The president,
    • the vice President CEVU,
    • a TICE representative, choosen by the President,
    • a representative of teacher and a representation of students choosen by the CEVU.
    • representatives from partners of common services are invited depending on the agenda.
  • NUTICE, executive committee composed of TICE representatives and TICE director. Insure the coordination and is responsable for the implementation of TICE policy. NUTICE have committee meeting every month.

Learning and Teaching processes

This has a focus on learning and teaching with other aspects viewed from this perspective.

Learning and teaching design and delivery

  • (29) Describe how choice of pedagogies and technologies is made for a typical programme that is envisaged to include significant e-learning.

A e-campus must provide 3 kinds of services : to produce multimedia materials, to put this multimedia material at students' disposal and to provide a tutor for the follow up.

The choice of the module size is calculated taking in consideration the number of hours usually done in cathedra and also the homework done by the student. In a learning dispositive, all the modules don't have the same size, it is very rare because the practices are differents between the partners.

Making of a media module :

All kind of media exist, from the simple PDF to the most elaborated module for a sef-sufficient training. The majority of modules are situated between the 2 extrems. The modules for complete self-training don't really exist but some modules were develop to insure a relative automnomy of the learner. The module in PDF format can be justified in the case of a field of knowledge in continious evolution, as fiscal law or work law for example. The updat of such a module, with a lot of media would result in the full creqtion of a new module and would result in high costs. The modules can also be sorted taking in consideration the media they use. For example a module using only video medias will be more expensive to porduce then a module using HTML. The following classification sort the module in function of the mediatisation in 36 categories:

  • Course with low scenarisation, few media : composed of :

an interactive summary, a PDF material per chapter, a multiple choice questionnaire per chapter, a glossary, a bibliography, a webography, eventually one or some case study…

  • Course with scenarisation and media : composed of :

an interactive summary, a PDF material per chapter, a document cut in sequences and learning activities (interactive exercices and/or wording pour participation on a forum, a glossary, a bibliography, a webography, some multiple choice questionnaires, eventually one or some case study…

  • Course with high scenarisation and heavy use of media: composed of:

an interactive summary, a PDF material per chapter, a teaching aids cut in sequences and learning activities, integrating audio, animations, interactive applications, fixe images and video, a glossary, a bibliography, a webography, some multiple choice questionnaires, eventually one or some case study…

Granularity of the module :

Another important caracteristic of a module is its granularity. The choice of educational grain size or of the elementary brick is an important element in pedagogy. In fact, the teacher can decide to modify the path into the module, spending more time on some part (if he thinks they are more important) and reucing the time spent on others. Consequently, the grain must be easy to segregate from technical point of view. The ideal situation is that the teacher can built indicidual path for each student. The students can also, based on his personal background and wishes, select and create his personnal path. In that case the grain must be identified and described from pedagical view. Do note that the size of grain have a great importance in the case of a course develop for a virtual campus use, where re-use, mutualisation and flexibility are the key works.

Key words: Mutualisation, reuse, scenarisation, editorial chain'

  • (30) Describe what scope staff have at delivery stage to refine or in some cases override design decisions made earlier.

Axe 1: Use of a editorial chain for module with important size. Editorial chain: choice of scenari (Scenari is an OpenSource software suite that introduce a new methodology to edit and publish multimedia documents).

Axe 2: pedagogical plateform: moodle. Teacher can customise scenarii (chronology or thematic). Flexible. Full autonomy. Every teacher keep self-control on his training. It is an important point to let the teacher to be self-sufficent because of the number of staff in NUTICE. The teachers mainly wish to be self-sufficient and independent.

Learning and teaching development

This includes materials and IPR.

  • (31) How much e-learning content is sourced from outside the institution? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment (an exact percentage is useful).

Concerning e-learning content, there are 3 sources:

  • Internal production.
  • Production in partnership within the consortiums
  • Use of external resources (OER from TDU)

It difficult to give an answer, because there is no control on the amont of content (that's volontary) that the teacher are using. Teacher have OER at their disposal and build their lecture with it.

  • (32) Of all e-learning content sourced from outside the institution, what fraction is OER? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment.

No idea. No measure on that.

They are using the resources from UNT.

  • (33) When staff in the institution develop content, is the content (a) owned by them and licensed to the institution, (b) owned by the institution but with some licensing back to staff, (c) owned by the institution but with no licensing back to staff, (d) unclear or disputed IPR position? Whatever option is chosen, provide a narrative describing the situation in more detail.

Let's develop the all the cases:

  • all content developed by teachers themselves belong to them. It can not be used by the institution.
  • all content developed with the support of NUTICE: is under a agreement of mutualisation. That means the content is put at the disposal of all the teachers of NU, but not editable without the agreement of the author and not usable out of NU. In practive, the teachers accept this agreement wihout making difficulties.
  • in consortium, IPR are given up to the university.
  • some resources are produced for a confidential use and it is not necessary to set up agreement.

For external use: The authors, when they give content for the creation of multimedia modules, have to give up their ownership and give the right to the university. When the university is in a consortium, the partner university should also be able to use the module. But when the module have to be use in another consortium, there can be some difficulties in the use of the content is limited to 1 consortium. In some cases, some authors gain some rights for the diffusion of pictures or videos just for a limited and precise public. If the use is wider that expected, the author can have problems.

  • (34) When content is sourced for a programme within the institution, how much is sourced from other departments within the institution? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment (an exact percentage is useful).

No idea on the percentage. It happens frequently, that's why the chart of mutualisation exists.

  • (35) What is the role of student-generated content in the institution's programmes? Use a scale of 1-5 with a comment.

Building of course in partnership with the student is done in NU. This is managed by teachers themselves. The teachers can choose and discuss with the student. Teacher have the responsibilities.

Learning and teaching evaluation and quality

  • (36) Describe the quality procedures (a) in general terms and (b) with respect to e-learning.

The is a labelisation process of the resources. They start from the resource of one teacher and go to common resources, used by several people. BAsed on external review. Traditional approach.

A lot of freedom is given to the teacher. They are more careful when the resource should be use in an UNT. In that case, the resources is reviewed by a scientific committee. It is the same for the use in consortium.

For review there are quality criteria with a grid: element : clear / unclearconfus, exercises / no exercises, interactivity / no interactivity, etc.

  • (37) Describe the approach to evaluation of programmes (a) in general terms and (b) where such programmes have significant e-learning components.

The ojectives and goal are written in the quadriennal contrat. Every 4 yearrs, the write a report to the ministry to make stock of the situation. There is a visit form a ministry expert (AERES), taking as a starting point the written document. That's a national dispositive.

Meta Learning and Teaching processes


  • (38) Describe how the institution communicates good practice in e-learning within itself, focussing on communications across internal boundaries.

NUTICE is doing the internal communication.

  • seminars
  • trainings
  • web site.
  • actuallity letter
  • mails.
  • once a year (beginiing of the year) flashy brochure with CD and communication about the TICE.
  • articles into the internal revue with video clips dedicated to NUTICE.
  • NUTICE attends councils.

  • (39) Describe how the institution communicates its good practice in e-learning to organisations outside.

NUTICE has or is taking part in the following networks:

  • EDEN
  • TICE world

Publish in main conferences or event:

  • OEB

organise conferences:

  • spring of Sciences & technoligies (100 participants).
  • TICE 2010 will take place in Nancy (this conf. happens every 2 years). (350 participants).

NUTICE has in its missions to represent the institute in the field of TICE at regional, national and international level.

  • (40) Describe how the institution communicates good practice in e-learning from outside organisations into its own organisation.

NUTICE invite external expert for seminars. actuality heading. Promotion everywhere. For the UNT : ask for a visit of the UNT representatinve in order there can be direct discussion between teacher and the representative

  • (41) Describe recent occasions on which institutional leaders or managers have made presentations with significant reference to e-learning.

Frequent. Participate to events. Particpates in meeting for european projects Strong support from institutional learders. They will also partcicipate in the inoguration of spring of science and tech. Participate in the european administrative board Chart sar/lor/lux e-learning in political messages. Communication IUEN : discussion about gouvernance of TICE in French HEI. They are in all the administration board of all the UNT exept one.

Internal. Communication is important to break routine. To go from a small production to a bigger size.

External. important because it is impossible to do TICE alone ! Scenari was born after TICE service gathered knowledge to produce a common tool.

Value for money

  • (42) Describe the annual planning procedure (a) in general and (b) how it handles e-learning aspects.

Budget is done annually. They define the priorities and make a finance plan. The director of NUTICE take part in the finance commission, promote project and ask for financial support.

  • (43) Describe the decision-making process for a typical academic programme, with particular reference to how e-learning aspects are handled.

To les aspect infrastructure, platform sont gratuis pour tout le monde car pris en charge par les CRI ou NUTICE. pour le financement des enseignants pour leur heures de tutorat, etc : en train d'établir d'un cadre commun pour les 3 établissements pour la prise en compte de leur investissement. C'est la nouvelle loie qui va permettre d'avancer. Jusqu'à présent n'est reconnu pour les enseignements chercheurs en fr que l'enseignement en présentielle. Pour le moment chaque établissement a quelque chose qui tourne pour lui. mais comme le contexte avec la LRU a changé, ils vont établir qq chose avec la LRU.

  • (44) Describe the decision-making process for a typical large IT project such as selection and installation of a new VLE.
  • Clear objective : unique tool for NU.
  • NUTICE moderator
  • Meeting of the 3 instution teacher, proposition of technical facilities (3 possible porposed platforms)
  • Teachers do the testing. They ave a testing period. Give dead line.
  • Vote.
  • Possibility for speficical development

  • (45) Describe the approach to budget management with particular reference to the staff versus non-staff issues in budgeting for e-learning.

Not relevant.

  • (46) Describe the procedures in the institution for assigning or negotiating teaching workload to/with staff, taking account of non-traditional styles of teaching as well as classroom teaching and taking specific account of e-learning.

National reform. The law for university is changing. No view at that time.


Teachers, lecturers, trainers and equivalent support roles

  • (47) Describe the approach to development of e-learning technical and pedagogic skills among staff, taking account of the different needs of different categories of staff. Set this within the context of staff development generally.

NUTICE is here when needed.

There are training programmes to help teachers to become automonous. NUTICE also accompany everyone if he need some help for the use of TICE (for suppport, learning) etc. NUTICE offer both general support, as well as customized support. NUTICE offers several trainings programs to the staff of Nancy Université. The training focus both on technical skills and pedagogy. One very important point is that NUTICE provide training to the teachers in order they can be self-sufficient, that means to use the e-learning platform, produce e-learning material etc.

  • (48) Describe (a) the current level of staff competence in e-learning and (b) the expected level of staff competence in five years time. In each case use a 1-5 scale with a comment.

(a) The level is equal to the expectation of the university. The staff beneficiate of the trainings provided by NUTICE. Training session often happens, so staff competence is quite good. A role of NUTICE is to offer assistance to the staff when it is necessairy. So staff also beneficiate from a good support by NUTICE.

Staff sometimes also go for trainning out of NU.

  • (49) Describe the extent to which staff attitudes to e-learning are favourable or not. Use a 1-5 scale with a comment.

Based on self participation. NUTICE use the students and teacher colleagues as a leverage for incitation. The majority of staff is favorable and integrate e-learning in their lecture. The strategy of NUTICE to let staff free. Works well.

Few people refractory to e-learing and the use of ITC in education.

  • (50) Describe the way that the institution rewards and recognises staff with competence in e-learning, in (a) monetary and (b) non-monetary terms.

There is no particular way to reward staff with competence in e-learning and doing e-learning activities in Nancy Université. In France, more generally, there are no special consideration for those kind of skills and no rewards.

Management and leadership

This subsection concerns leaders (Rectors, Vice-Chancellors, etc) and academic and support service managers (Deans, Directors, etc). These do not need to have specific knowledge of e-learning details but must have the necessary strategic, management, costing and foresight capability to preside over decisions on key e-learning issues such as procurement of a new VLE, development of a new distance learning programme, rebalancing the library and its staff more towards web 2.0 and less to books, etc. This will require appropriate manager and leader training.

  • (51) Describe the approach to development of e-learning-related skills among (a) managers and (b) leaders.

NUTICE have training programmes. Trainings are organized several time a year:

  • (52) Describe the current level of (a) management and (b) leadership competence in e-learning related skills appropriate to their levels. In each case use a 1-5 scale with a comment.

It seems it is 5 for all the 3 managers of the instutition: NU president is informatician. president nancy 2 : psychologie du travail qui encadre des theses autour du e-learning. scientist who have always supported TICE.

The director of NUTICE is teacher in Informatics and Web Information knowledge intelligence.

Consequently, the managerial staff already have e-learning competence because of their background.

  • (53) Describe the extent to which (a) management and (b) leadership attitudes to e-learning are favourable or not. Use a 1-5 scale with a comment.


  • (54) Give details of the job description of the most senior manager/leader in the organisation who spends a significant portion of his/her time on e-learning matters (e.g. the Director of E-Learning).

It is Anne Boyer. directrice avec toutes les fonctions d'un directeur. definir une politique operationnelle redre des compte avec les politiques, disucter les convaincres relation avec l'ext diriger une equipe. gérer les budgets. demander de l'argent. interface avec les présidents.

tout !


  • (55) Describe the approach to development of e-learning skills among students, taking account of the different needs of different categories of students. Set this within the context of students' more general information literacy and communication skills.

Nancy 2 University was one of the first French university to propose to its students to hold a certificate of competencies in Informatics and Internant, level 1. This certificate (the C2I) is national and certifiate the students' knowledge in the field of ITC. This C2I was extented to NU and all new incomers in NU receive a preparatory training about the use of ITC. This training is done via e-learning (40 hours training). Students can also get support during all their study. Online tutorials, serious games are at their disposal to improve their skills.

  • (56) Describe (a) the current level of student competence in e-learning on entry to the institution and (b) the expected level of student competence on graduation from the institution. In each case use a 1-5 scale with a comment.

The level of student vary at the entrence to the institution. Because of the C2I they are prepared and have a good level.

  • (57) Describe the extent to which student attitudes to e-learning are favourable or not. Use a 1-5 scale with a comment.

5. Students are used to VLE, e-learning. As they experience this technologie at their entrance, it is often students who push teacher to do more e-learning courses.

  • (58) Describe the extent to which students understand the demands on them placed by e-learning systems (e.g. for assignment handling).

4 or 5. Common. They start their semester with a training using e-elarning.

  • (59) Describe the current approach to handling student plagiarism, both prevention strategies and detection strategies.

Prevention strategy: Teachers are prepared responsable about IPR and plagiarism.

Detection strategy: NU is setting up a tool (software) to detect plagiarism. When a students write something the teacher can check if there is plagiarism or not. This tool work with internal database and web references. At present this tool must be adapted. Software qui va être acheté. (choix commun sur tout UNIRE). Some additionalIl y a aura des dev complementaire et ils vont faire en mutualisé.

  • (60) Describe the current (i.e. at last survey) level of student satisfaction with the e-learning aspects of their courses. Use a 1-5 scale with a comment.

--5-- pas de retour négatifs. Que des retours favorables. Le étudiants c'est leur environnment.


(61) For each of the following technologies relevant to e-learning describe how much it is used on a scale of 1-5 and add a comment if appropriate.

espace Wiki (couverture 100%) tables, power. salle communes informatiques avec tous les outils audio. espace numerique detravail accessible partout pour tous et profilé en fonction de leur inscription pédagogique. Acces NU au wifi même pas dans leur établissement ca marche.

Pas en place reduction. Mis en place par le ministère (operation MIP) comme tous les etudiants francais. qq ordi en prêt pour en longue maladie ou avec accident de vie.

  • VLE and/or content repository

Called ENT (for Environnement Numérique de Travail). The university develop a portal (ESUP portal).

De plus, en lien avec les CRI des établissements, il met à disposition une plateforme pédagogique par établissement (http://ARCHE.univ-nancy2.fr) accessible via l’ENT. L’outil (Moodle) et l’interface sont communs aux 3 universités, la déclinaison est réalisée en fonction de l’usage spécifique à chaque établissement.

  • email or bulletin boards

Contained in the ENT forums. par formation listes de diffusion par formation

  • automated assessment
  • Web 2.0 tools especially blogs, wikis and social networks oriented to the institution
  • e-portfolios

Forum for the use of students

  • laptops - and comment on student ownership issues
  • audio or video podcasting or streaming - and comment on student ownership issues

Video podcasting is experimented by VIDEOSCOP. [1]

  • mobile devices (not laptops) - and comment on student ownership issues

And finally:

  • Provide a description of any other technologies with significant use in the institution.


  • (62) Describe the expected changes as they relate to e-learning within the institution's current strategic horizon (from the institution's strategy documents).

As the creation of Nancy-Université is quite new, no big change are expected. Perhaps an other university of Region Loraine (University of Metz) will join Nancy-Université. But not in the near future. At the moment they mainly target to strengthen / consolidate what already exist and what was set up.

  • (63) Describe any changes further downstream that the institution is now considering or concerned about.

  • (64) Describe how the institution handles the foresight aspects of its operation with regard to e-learning.

Same answer as for q.62. Strengthen / consolidate.

  • (65) Describe how the institution handles advanced development oriented to e-learning (e.g. by a "sandbox" lab, innovation centre, etc).

Will try to adapt to the changes. They already work with the CRI (Informatics resource center) and test new possibilities release etc. They also are also connected to reseach about e-learning, VC etc.

  • (66) Describe how the institution analyses and takes into account present and future markets for its offerings.

No answer.

  • (67) Describe how the institution analyses and takes into account present and future competitor suppliers for its offerings.
  • (68) Describe how the institution analyses and takes into account the views of other stakeholders, including but not restricted to employers, local authorities and the social partners (unions).

References and reports

Virtual Models of European Universities: http://www.elearningeuropa.info/extras/pdf/virtual_models.pdf

EURO-QLIO project: http://www.euro-qlio.uhp-nancy.fr/index.php/fre/content/download/503/3266/file/Communication-euroqlio_cifa_v3.pdf


Nancy-Université - cas d'étude

Lessons learned Nancy Université

> France
> Case studies