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=Partners situated in England=
|The coordinates=52.3555177, -1.1743197000000691
|Location type=Region
=England in a nutshell=
|Located in=United Kingdom
(mainly sourced from: [http://])
Source: original picture on https://www.
=Education in England=
(mainly sourced from: [http://www.] and [http://www.])
[[Image:.jpg|frame|right|Source: origial jpg on: [http://www.]]]
=Schools in England=
(mainly sourced from: [http://www.], [http://www.] and [http://www.])
==Primary education==
==Secondary education==
==The post-compulsory level==
===General upper secondary education===
===Vocational education===
=Further and higher education =
(mainly sourced from: [http://www.])
==Universities in England==
==Further Education & Sixth Form Colleges in England==
=Education reform=
==Schools: Governance & Management==
==14-19 and University Technical Colleges==
=Administration and finance=
(mainly sourced from: [http://www.] and [http://www.])
==Training Providers==
=Quality assurance=
(mainly sourced from: [http://www.] and [http://www.])
==Colleges and Training Providers==
=ICT organisations=
=ICT in education initiatives=
==Virtual initiatives in schools==
==Virtual initiatives in colleges and training providers==
=Lessons learnt=
== General lessons==
==Notable practices==
*[http://www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OPM/Julkaisut/2008/liitteet/opm11.pdf Education and Reserch 2007-2012, Development Plan]
*[http://www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OPM/Koulutus/Liitteet/Education_2010._Interim_report_2009._Finland.pdf Key competences for lifelong learning in Finland; Education 2010 – interim report]
*[http://www.pisa.oecd.org/pages/0,3417,en_32252351_32235731_1_1_1_1_1,00.html The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment]
===Relevant websites===
*[http://ec.europa.eu/index_en.htm European Commission]
*[http://www.vn.fi/hallitus/hallitusohjelma/en.jsp The Government Program]
*[http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/?lang=en Finnish Ministry of Education (MINEDU)]
*[http://www.oph.fi/english The Finnish National Board of Education]
*[http://www.finland.fi/Public/default.aspx? This is Finland]
*[http://www.amk.fi/en/index.html Finnish Online University of Applied Sciences]
*[http://www.virtuaaliyliopisto.fi/en/index.html Finnish Virtual University]
*[http://www.stat.fi/index_en.html Statistics Finland]
*[http://www.arjentietoyhteiskunta.fi/inenglish Ubiquitous Information Society Advisory Board]
*[http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Koulutus/artikkelit/helsingin_eurooppalainen_koulu/index.html?lang=en European Schooling Finland]
*[http://www.kka.fi/?l=en&s=1 The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC)]
*[https://kotaplus.csc.fi/online/Etusivu.do;jsessionid=zpPqTJnZvQX19kQyXzTkqBjSKgpGPFy4phXTxtKtJJf1qTMRHRGV!-1612756419?lng=en KOTA statistical data on universities and fields of education]
*[http://www.eurostudent.eu/ The Eurostudent Report]
*[http://www.pisa.oecd.org/pages/0,2987,en_32252351_32235731_1_1_1_1_1,00.html PISA]
*[http://www.tietoyhteiskuntaohjelma.fi/etusivu/en_GB/mainpage/index.html The Finnish Government Information Society Programme 2003-2007]
*[http://www.ficora.fi/en/index/tutkimukset.html Surveys and reports commissioned by FICORA]
*[http://www.research.fi/en Statistics and other data on Finnish science and technology]
*[http://www.sitra.fi/en/Working+for+the+Future/working_for_the_information_society/information_society_2020/information_society_2020.htm Finnish Information Society 2020]
    1 Experts situated in Country
    2 Country in a nutshell
    3 Education in Country
    4 Schools in Country
    5 Further and Higher education
        5.1 Universities in Country
        5.2 Polytechnics in Country
        5.3 Colleges in Country
    6 Education reform
        6.1 Schools
        6.2 Post-secondary
    7 Administration and finance
        7.1 Schools
        7.2 Post-secondary
    8 Quality assurance
        8.1 Schools
        8.2 Post-secondary
    9 Information society
    10 ICT in education initiatives
        10.1 Virtual initiatives in schools
        10.2 Virtual initiatives in post-secondary education
    11 Lessons learnt
        11.1 General lessons
        11.2 Notable practices
    12 References
Experts situated in Country
Country in a nutshell
Education in Country
Schools in Country
Further and Higher education
Universities in Country
Polytechnics in Country
Colleges in Country
Education reform
Administration and finance
Quality assurance
Information society
ICT in education initiatives
Virtual initiatives in schools
Virtual initiatives in post-secondary education
Lessons learnt
General lessons
Notable practices

Latest revision as of 21:12, 1 February 2023

England is a Region located at 52° 21' 19.86" N, 1° 10' 27.55" W. It is located in United Kingdom.

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