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College Wales template: Difference between revisions

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{{Colleges.wales.uk}} ((must keep this))
{{Colleges.wales.uk}} ((must keep the Colleges.wales.uk template))

Revision as of 08:47, 4 May 2013

((Sample text only - all material in ((...)) sections should be deleted before saving a specific page))

Coleg XXX is a major college of further education in ((a region of)) Wales. It is the centre of a learning community of over x,000 students and serves its region and the wider world. As well as academic and vocational education and training, the college currently delivers higher education courses and international programmes to students from xx countries. ((adapt as necessary))

The college is based in the City of Xxx in county Yyyyyy, and at Zzzz etc.

There are lifelong learning centres in Pxxx and Qxxxx

As well as college centres, extensive programme of lifelong learning courses takes place in schools and community buildings throughout the region. ((Change appropriately))

Increasingly numbers of learners are taking part in open and distance learning programmes, exploiting the college’s excellent ICT facilities, including ((give details)).

Its web site is http://www.welsh-college.ac.uk (English and Welsh versions) ((change as needed))

Bilingual college

At Coleg XXX, both Welsh and English languages are used ((give details))



Distance learning

((Give details, with key URLs))

Online learning for on-campus students

((Give details, with key URLs))

Open Educational Resources (OER)

((Give details, with key URLs))


Moodle is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) at Coleg Xxx ((the most likely choice - but check)).

For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_Wales_template

> Wales
> United Kingdom
> Colleges

>> Main Page

((must keep the Colleges.wales.uk template)) 

((change Category:Sites using Moodle to other relevant one if Moodle not used - or delete if no VLE found)