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<!-- create a separate wiki page per "school" and add here a short introduction and link to the separate school wiki page. -->
<!-- create a separate wiki page per "school" and add here a short introduction and link to the separate school wiki page. -->

Virtual school initiative:
Virtual schools initiatives:

# [http://hsks.sch.id/liveatedu Microsoft Liveatedu]
# [http://homeschoolingkakseto.sch.id/ Homeschooling Kak Seto]
# [http://homeschoolinglogoskelapagading.blogspot.be/ Homeschooling Logos]
# [http://www.homeschooling-primagama.com/ Homeschooling Primagama]
# [http://www.homeschoolingindonesia.com/ Homeschooling Indonesia]
# [http://ms-academy.org/content/index.php Morning Star Academy]

=== Virtual initiatives in post-secondary education ===
=== Virtual initiatives in post-secondary education ===
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<!-- include virtual campuses and virtual universities (distance education) as well as on-campus initiatives  -->
<!-- include virtual campuses and virtual universities (distance education) as well as on-campus initiatives  -->

Virtual universities initiatives:
Virtual university initiative:

# [http://student.ut.ac.id/ Student online learning center]
# [http://www.ut.ac.id/en/ Indonesia Open University]
# [http://itv.ut.ac.id/ Indonesia Open University Video Station]
# [http://www.ut.ac.id/html/suplemen/suplemen.htm Material web supplement]
# [http://pandoralom.ut.ac.id/modules/wfdownloads/ Learning object repository]
# [http://e-humaniora.fisip.ut.ac.id/ E-humaniora]
# [http://www.pustaka.ut.ac.id/ Digital library]
# [http://gurupintar.ut.ac.id/ Online smart teacher]
# [http://www.tbo.karunika.co.id/ Online book store]

Revision as of 12:39, 20 September 2012

Partners and Experts situated in Indonesia

Indonesia in a nutshell

(Sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia)

The Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia), is a country in Southeast Asia. Comprising 17,508 islands, it is the world's largest archipelagic state. With a population of 222 million people in 2006, it is the world's fourth most populous country and the most populous Muslim-majority nation, although officially it is not an Islamic state.


Indonesia is a republic, with an elected parliament and president.

The nation's capital city is Jakarta. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Malaysia. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Administratively, Indonesia consists of 33 provinces, five of which have special status. Each province has its own political legislature and governor. The provinces are subdivided into regencies and cities, which are further subdivided into subdistricts, and again into village groupings. Following the implementation of regional autonomy measures in 2001, the regencies and cities have become the key administrative units, responsible for providing most government services. The village administration level is the most influential on a citizen's daily life, and handles matters of a village or neighborhood through an elected village chief.

The provinces of Aceh, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Papua, and West Papua have greater legislative privileges and a higher degree of autonomy from the central government than the other provinces.

  • The Acehnese government, for example, has the right to create an independent legal system; in 2003, it instituted a form of Sharia (Islamic law).
  • Yogyakarta was granted the status of Special Region in recognition of its pivotal role in supporting Indonesian Republicans during the Indonesian Revolution.
  • Papua, formerly known as Irian Jaya, was granted special autonomy status in 2001.
  • Jakarta is the country's special capital region.

Education in Indonesia

Indonesia education policy

(Sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Indonesia)

Indonesian Education Logo

Education in Indonesia is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan or Kemdikbud) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama or Kemenag). In Indonesia, all citizens must undertake nine years of compulsory education which consists of six years at elementary level and three in secondary level. Islamic schools are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Education is defined as a planned effort to establish a study environment and education process so that the student may actively develop his/her own potential to gain the religious and spiritual level, consciousness, personality, intelligence, behavior and creativity to him/herself, other citizens and for the nation. The Constitution also notes that education in Indonesia is divided into two major parts, formal and non-formal. Formal education is further divided into three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary education.

Schools in Indonesia are run either by the government (negeri) or private sectors (swasta). Some private schools refer to themselves as "national plus schools" which means that they intend to go beyond the minimum government requirements, especially with the use of English as medium of instruction or having an international-based curriculum instead of the national one.


Early kingdoms: education system in the era of Hindu-Buddhist civilization is called karsyan. Karsyan is a place of hermitage. This method is highly religious, aimed to draw oneself closer to God.

Era of Islamic states: the emergence of Islamic state in Indonesia is noted by the acculturation of both Islamic tradition and Hindu-Buddhist tradition. At this time period, pondokpesantren, a type of Islamic boarding school was introduced and several of them were established. The location of pesantren is mostly far away from the hustling crowd of the city, resembling the location of Karsyan.

Colonial era: elementary education was introduced by the Dutch in Indonesia during the colonial era. Initially, it was reserved for the Dutch (and other Europeans) only. In 1870, with the growth of Dutch Ethical Policy formulated by Conrad Theodor van Deventer, some of these Dutch-founded schools opened the doors for bumiputera. They were called Sekolah Rakjat, the embryo of what is called Sekolah Dasar today.

The Dutch introduced a system of formal education for the local population of Indonesia, although this was restricted to certain privileged children. The system they introduced was roughly similar to the current structure, with the following levels:

  • ELS (Dutch: Europeesche Lagere School) - Primary School for Europeans
  • HIS (Dutch: Hollandsch-Inlandsche School) - Primary School for Natives
  • MULO (Dutch: Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs) - Middle School
  • AMS (Dutch: Algeme(e)ne Middelbare School) - High School or College
  • HBS (Dutch: Hogere Burger School) - Pre-University

The segregation between Dutch and Indonesian in Education pushed several Indonesian figures to start educational institutions for local people. Ahmad Dahlan founded Muhammadiyah in November 1912, and Ki Hajar Dewantara founded Taman Siswa in July 1922. Pesantrens were also mushrooming rapidly during this time period.

The Dutch colonial government also established a number of universities for native Indonesian on the island of Java, such as:

  • School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen or STOVIA, a medical school in Batavia
  • Nederland-Indische Artsen School or NIAS, a medical school in Surabaja
  • Rechts Hoge School, a law school in Batavia
  • De Technische Hoges School, or THS, a technic school in Bandoeng

By the 1930s, the Dutch had introduced limited formal education to nearly every province of the Dutch East Indies.

Indonesia education system

The school year is divided into two semesters. The first commences in July and ends in December while the latter commences in January and ends in June.

Level/Grade Typical age
Pre-school playgroup 3/apr
Kindergarten 4/jun
Primary School
1st Grade 6–7
2nd Grade 7–8
3rd Grade 8–9
4th Grade 9–10
5th Grade 10–11
6th Grade 11–12
Middle School
7th grade dec/13
8th Grade 13-14
9th Grade 14-15
High School
10th Grade 15–16
11th Grade 16–17
12th Grade 17–18
Post-secondary education
Tertiary education (College or University) Ages vary (usually four years,
referred to as Freshman,
Sophomore, Junior and
Senior years)
Graduate education
Adult education

Early education: from the age of 2, some children in Indonesia attend pre-school playgroup, known as PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini). From the age of 4, they attend kindergarten (Taman Kanak-Kanak). This education is not compulsory for Indonesian citizens, as it is aimed to prepare them for Primary Schooling. Of the 49,000 kindergartens in Indonesia, 99.35% of them are privately operated schools. The kindergarten years are usually divided into "Class A" and "Class B" students spending a year in each class.

Primary School: children aged 6–11 attend Sekolah Dasar (SD). This level is compulsory for all Indonesian citizens, according to the Constitution. In contrast to the majority of privately run kindergartens, most elementary schools are government-operated public schools, accounting for nearly 93% of all elementary schools in Indonesia. Similar to education systems in the U.S., students must spend six years to complete this level. Some schools offer an accelerated learning program, where students who perform well can complete the level in five years. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is the Islamic schooling alternative to SD, following a curriculum with more focus on Arabic and Islam.

Middle School: generally known by the abbreviation "SMP" (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) is part of basic education in Indonesia. After graduating from primary school, students attend Middle School for three years from the age of 12 to 14. After three years of schooling and graduation, students may move on to High School. Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) is the Islamic schooling equivalent of SMP.

High School: there are two types of High School. The first is generally known by the abbreviation "SMA" (Sekolah Menengah Atas) and second is SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). SMA differs from SMK in their studies. The students at SMA are prepared to continue their study to university while students of SMK are prepared to be ready to work after graduation, even sans university education. SMA is the Indonesian equivalent of university-preparatory school while SMK resembles more of a vocational school. Students attending SMA will be divided into three groups of studies in their 11th grade, i.e. Science, Social studies, and Linguistics. According to the Constitution, this level of education is not compulsory. Such a fact is reflected by the lower number of High Schools in Indonesia, which is slightly below 9,000. Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is the Islamic schooling equivalent of SMA while Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK) is the equivalent of SMK.

Higher education: after graduation from High School, students may attend an institution of higher education of their choice. The higher education institution is categorized into two types: public and private. Both are supervised by the Ministry of National Education. There are four types of higher education institution: Universities, Institutes, Academies, and Polytechnics.

Type of Degree Indonesian Term Equivalent in English-Speaking Countries
Diploma 3 (D3) Ahli Madya Associate's Degree
Diploma 4 (D4) Sarjana Bachelor's Degree
Sarjana 1 (S1) Sarjana Bachelor's Degree
Sarjana 2 (S2) Magister Master's Degree
Sarjana 3 (S3) Doktor Doctoral Degree

Sekolah Luar Biasa/School for special needs: students with disabilities/special needs may alternately opt to be enrolled in a separate school from the mainstream called Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB).

Homeschooling/Distance Education: based on law of the republic of Indonesia number 20 of 2003 about national education system, part 10, article 31:

  1. Distance education is organized in lines, levels and types of education.
  2. Distance education serves to provide educational services to groups’ people who can not take part in education or regular face to face.
  3. Distance education is organized in various forms, modes, and coverage supported by the facilities and service learning and assessment system guarantee the quality of graduate education in accordance with national standards.

Form of distance education includes education programs in writing (correspondence), radio, audio / video, TV, and / or network-based computer. Mode of implementation of distance education includes a single organization (Single mode), or with face to face (dual mode). The scope of distance education can be eye-based education program lessons / courses and / or field-based educational program of study.

Schools in Indonesia

Early education:

  1. Taman Kanak kanak Pak Kasur
  2. Taman Kanak-kanak Al-Muhajirin
  3. Taman Kanak-kanak Priska
  4. Taman Kanak-kanak Cikal
  5. Taman Kanak-kanak Bhayangkara
  6. Taman Kanak-kanak Khoirunnisa
  7. Taman Kanak-kanak Boncel
  8. Taman kanak-kanak Bina Harapan
  9. Taman Kanak-kanak Rempoa
  10. Taman Kanak-kanak Budi Luhur
  11. Taman Kanak-kanak Santo Vincentius
  12. Taman Kanak-kanak Santa Ursula
  13. etc

Primary school:

  1. List of government primary schools
  2. List of private primary schools

Middle school:

  1. List of government middle schools
  2. List of private middle schools

High school:

  1. List of government high schools
  2. List of private high schools


  1. Homeschooling Kak Seto
  2. Homeschooling Logos
  3. Homeschooling Primagama
  4. Homeschooling Indonesia
  5. Morning Star Academy

Further and Higher education

Universities in Indonesia

The Wikipedia List of universities in Indonesia lists 84 universities, although the accuracy of the list is not clear, around a third of the entries have further detail or web sites. Some 57 of the universities are public, with 27 being private.

In e-learning circles, the best known is Universitas Terbuka, or Indonesia Open University.

(Sourced from http://www.ut.ac.id/en/ut-in-brief.html)

Universitas Terbuka (UT) or Indonesia Open University is the 45th State University in Indonesia inaugurated on September 4, 1984, by virtue of Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 41 of 1984.

UT was established with the objective:

  1. to provide expansive opportunity for Indonesian citizens and foreigners, wherever their place of residence, to attain higher education;
  2. to provide higher education services for those who, because of their work or due to other reasons, are not able to further their studies in face-to-face prominent higher education institutions.
  3. to develop academic and professional programs so far unaddressed by other universities that meet the genuine needs of national development.

Learning system

Applies a distance and open leaning system. The term distance means that learning is not performed face-to-face, but makes use of media, whether printed media (modules) or non-printed (audio/video, computer/Internet, radio and television broadcasts). Open means there is no limitation as to age, year of graduation, period of study, registration time, and frequency of examinations. The only limitation applied is that UT students must have graduated from High School (SMA or equivalent).

Learning method

UT students are expected to learn independently. This self-learning method means that a student learns on his/her own initiative. UT provides learning materials specifically designed for independent learning. Aside from using materials provided by UT, students can also take the initiative to make use of the library, take tutorials, whether face-to-face or through the Internet, use radio or television broadcasts, or use computer-assisted learning materials and audio/video programs. When faced with difficulty in learning, students can request for information or tutorial assistance to the local Learning Program Unit of the Distance Learning Open University (UPBJJ-UT).

In many instances, independent learning is determined by the ability to learn efficiently which depends on speed reading and the capacity to grasp the materials. UT students who want to learn efficiently need to have self-discipline, initiative, and a strong motivation to learn. Students are also required to use their time effectively so that they can study regularly according to their own schedule. To learn successfully at UT, prospective students must be prepared to learn independently.

The semester credit system

Like other universities, UT applies a semester credit system (scu) to determine the student's study load in each semester. In this system the study load that must be completed in one study program is measured by a semester credit unit. Each subject is given a credit load of 1-6 scu. One semester is one unit of learning period that lasts approximately 16 weeks.

In Higher Education with a face-to-face learning system, a student taking a study load of one scu must take a one-hour class every week, and one hour for practice class or studying at home so that in one semester a student must allocate 32 hours of study period. In order to complete one subject with a credit load of 3 scu, one semester requires 96 hours of study time.

In a distance learning system, the student must also allocate the same period of study as a face-to-face student would (2 hours per week per scu). The only difference is that studying would be carried out independently (at home, in study groups, and through tutorials).

Specifically in the case of UT, one scu is equivalent to three modules of printed teaching material. One module consists of 40-50 pages so that teaching material with a credit load of 3 scu will consist of approximately 360 – 450 pages depending on the type of subject. .Based on a study conducted, an average student's ability to read and understand material is 5 -6 pages per hour so that in order to complete reading teaching material with a credit load of 3 scu, a student will need around 75 hours (360-450 pages divided by 5-6 pages). If a semester has a 16-week period, the time needed to read the teaching material with a credit load of 3 scu will be 75 hours divided by 16 weeks, or approximately 5 hours per week. As an example, if a student takes 15 scu/semester, he/she will have to allocate a study period of 15 scu divided by 3 scu times 5 hours = 25 hours per week or approximately 5 hours per day (1 week is equal to 5 days of study).

With such a learning system UT students are expected to allocate a study time in accordance with the scu load they take or to take a scu credit load that fits the study time they are able to allocate, and to take into consideration their own academic ability.

Conducting education programs

In conducting education programs, UT works together with all state universities and a number of private universities as well as with relevant government agencies in Indonesia. In every province or regency/municipality where there are state universities, UT provides its services called the UPBJJ-UT (Distance Learning Program Unit of the Open University). The local State Universities function as the UPBJJ-UT's advisor and provides assistance in formulating learning materials, examination material, tutorials, practice classes, and examinations.

In order to provide maximum education services for students spread across the country and overseas, UT is cooperating with other institutions such as Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri, Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI), Q-Channel, TV-Edukasi, Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI), State Broadcasting Radios, Private Commercial Radio Broadcasting Stations, Provincial and Regency/Municipality Governments, IGTKI (Association of Indonesian Kindergarten Teachers), Education Attaches in Indonesian Embassies abroad, the Indonesian National and Regional Libraries, the National Archives, PT OVIS Sendnsave, Karunika Cooperative, and PT Pos Indonesia.

UT also works with institutions wishing to improve the quality of their human resources, whether government agencies, state-owned enterprises or private companies. They can use programs available in the UT or request a new study program designed in accordance with their needs. Presently, UT has been entrusted by the government to improve the quality of Elementary School teachers and teachers of Early-Age Children through a program known as Education Program for Teachers of Elementary Education (or Pendas). In addition, UT has also been entrusted with the task of improving the quality of Human Resources at, among others, ANRI, KPN, the Indonesian Army (TNI), Bank BRI, Bank BNI, PT Garuda Indonesia, PT Merpati Nusantara, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Secretariat of the Vice-President's office, Governments at the Regency/Municipality level, Islamic Boarding Schools, and a number of other institutions.

Polytechnics in Indonesia

List of Polytechnics in Indonesia

Education reform



Administration and finance



Quality assurance, inspection and accreditation



See The Practice of a Quality Assurance System in Open and Distance Learning: A case study at Universitas Terbuka Indonesia (The Indonesia Open University) for a case study of Universitas Terbuka.

Information society

ICT in education initiatives

Virtual initiatives in schools

Virtual schools initiatives:

  1. Homeschooling Kak Seto
  2. Homeschooling Logos
  3. Homeschooling Primagama
  4. Homeschooling Indonesia
  5. Morning Star Academy

Virtual initiatives in post-secondary education

Virtual university initiative:

  1. Indonesia Open University


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