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==Headline description of the school==
Internet Upper Secondary School for adults at Otava Folk High School originates from a project called Internetix. This ESR funded project started in 1996 aiming to find solutions to take school to students instead of forcing them to travel long distances or having to move in order to get to school. In the project eLearning material was produced and special demand seemed to be in upper secondary school courses. The first distance learners of Nettilukio started in 1997 - at that point there were 13 students, today more than 500.
Nettilukio is both national and international upper secondary school for adults operating in Finnish, but students living all around the country and world. Typical virtual school student comes from one of the following groups:
*parents of small children
*professional and semi-professional athletes
*people who travel a lot (because of occupation or for other reasons)
*people living abroad
*shift workers
*people who cannot attend school for reasons of health
*people with previous negative experiences like bullying or frustration
*people living in sparsely populated areas
Flexibility seems to be the greatest advantage of distance schools. In distance school one can rhythm their schedule and studies to their other life easily. There are no terms or periods, instead each student can study according to their own schedules. There are no obligatory contact days which lead to the fact that most of students never actually visit the Otava campus.

Revision as of 06:40, 20 June 2012

General information

Name of school Internet Upper Secondary School at Otava Folk High School
Address Otavan Opisto, 50670 OTAVA, Finland
Website www.nettilukio.fi
Contact name and role Administrator and student counsellor: Taru Kekkonen, +358 44 794 3517, taru.kekkonen(at)otavanopisto.fi
VISCED partner/author TIEKE (Finnish Information Society Development Centre) / Merja Sjöblom, +358 50 567 6893, merja.sjoblom(at)tieke.fi
Type of school Public
  • Annual report 2011: http://www.ofw.fi/mmm/vuosikertomus/nettikoulutuksen_toimintakertomus_2011.pdf
  • http://www.studentum.fi/Nettilukio_142004.htm
  • Futura 1/08 (http://www.futurasociety.fi/futura.htm), article by Hannu Linturi
  • Linturi Hannu 2002. Oppimisen verkkosaalistusta. Teoksessa Verkot ja virtuaalistaminen oppimisen tukena. Juhani Nieminen (toim.). Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu. Saarijärvi. 125–173.
  • Linturi Hannu 2003. Oppimisen kulttuurievoluutio verkossa. Teoksessa Tulevaisuudentutkimus. Toim. Kamppinen, Kuusi & Söderlund. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. Helsinki. 665–788.
  • Rubin, A. & Linturi, H. (2004) Muutoksen tuulissa. Pienten lukioiden tulevaisuudenkuvat. TUTU-julkaisuja 3/2004. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus. Turun kauppakorkeakoulu. Turku.
  • Linturi, Hannu & Rubin, Anita (2006) Kouluttomaan oppimiseen? Opetuksen ja kasvatuksen ristiriitaiset tulevaisuudenkuvat haasteena koulutuksen kehittämiselle. Futura 1/2006. 42-52.
  • Linturi, Hannu (2008) Sivistys on rajanylityksiä ja järjestyksenpitoa. Viisitoista vuotta tulevaisuutta takana. Futura 1/2008. 42-71
  • Linturi, Hannu & Rubin, Anita. 2011. Toinen koulu, toinen maailma. Oppimisen tulevaisuus 2030. Turun yliopiston Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus. Tutu-julkaisu 1/2011.
  • Linturi, Hannu, Rubin, Anita, Airaksinen, Tiina (2012) Lukion tulevaisuus 2030 - Toinen koulu, toinen maailma. Otavan Opiston Osuuskunta. 978-952-6605-00-5 (pdf), ISSN-L 2242-1297, ISSN 2242-1297.
  • Hannu Linturi och Jari Sarja 2001. Otava Folkhögskolas val: Internet i demokratins tjänst. In bok Ove Korsgaard og Niels Buur Hansen: Demokrati og folkeoplysning i Norden. Köpenhavn.
  • http://www.oph.fi/julkaisut/2011/lukion_tulevaisuus_2030

Headline description of the school

Internet Upper Secondary School for adults at Otava Folk High School originates from a project called Internetix. This ESR funded project started in 1996 aiming to find solutions to take school to students instead of forcing them to travel long distances or having to move in order to get to school. In the project eLearning material was produced and special demand seemed to be in upper secondary school courses. The first distance learners of Nettilukio started in 1997 - at that point there were 13 students, today more than 500.

Nettilukio is both national and international upper secondary school for adults operating in Finnish, but students living all around the country and world. Typical virtual school student comes from one of the following groups:

  • parents of small children
  • professional and semi-professional athletes
  • people who travel a lot (because of occupation or for other reasons)
  • people living abroad
  • shift workers
  • people who cannot attend school for reasons of health
  • people with previous negative experiences like bullying or frustration
  • people living in sparsely populated areas

Flexibility seems to be the greatest advantage of distance schools. In distance school one can rhythm their schedule and studies to their other life easily. There are no terms or periods, instead each student can study according to their own schedules. There are no obligatory contact days which lead to the fact that most of students never actually visit the Otava campus.